Consultant appt was a waste of time...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Well I felt like it was anyway. She said that not being able to walk up the stairs and being in lots of pain when I stand on one leg was normal???? I didn't think it was??? I thought maybe it would be more normal when baby was nearing full term and heavier but not now?? I don't even have a bump!!

Anyway I'm fed up people assuming just cos I'm a physio I know all about the pelvis and backs and that I know what's wrong with me. I DON'T!!! It's not my area of interest, and cos I'm not interested, I don't know about it! I understand why people assume, but I feel like a parrot repeating myself constantly.

Anyway upshot is I got a physio referral and an anaesthetic referral as I have scoliosis. One thing that did come out of it was I may not be able to have the choice of spinal/epidural cos of the curve in my spine, so the needle won't go in properly. So that means that if I ended up needing a c-section I have to be prepared for the possibility of needing it under a general anaesthetic, which does upset me a bit but at least I can prepare for it now if that was the case. I have such a low pain threshold that I almost can't imagine giving birth without an epidural!!!! I fainted when I had my ears pierced!!!! :oops: but I think I would be so sad if I did have a general. I can't imagine it. :cry:

Anyway the positive thing was I heard baby's heart beat for first time, and I was hoping I'd be able to hear it, cos I'm deaf, and I could hear it!! :dance: :dance:

Ah, I needed that rant. DH being very good about it, and he's preparing himself for what would happen if I needed a general, he's being supportive :D

Thanks for listening!!

glad you got to hear the heart rate, sorry about the docter (sometimes i swear they are born useless).

Grrrrrr, how anoying! Sorry you had a crap appointment. But pleased you got to hear your LO's heart beat. :D
Since when has any pain been "normal" :x
Dont even get me started on doctors, a few bad experiences recently, and my freind has so i'm already not their biggest fan!!
Glad you got something outta it though
grrrr at the consultant and :hug: :hug: for you.
Pain is never 'normal' there has to be something causing it!

As for the epidural thing, there are other methods of pain relief and i reckon you'll suprise yourself when it comes to labour. At least it is pain with a nice ending! And hopefully you won't be faitning as you'll be lying down ish anyway,
But still :hug: :hug:
Normal?? Feh!

I wonder if this may help. I have a very slight curve to my spine. Not noticable but it puts my hips ever so slightly out of alignment and this in turn causes the joints (or whatever they are called in your spine) to pull on the muscles a bit more on one side (particularly when I'm not active & stiffen up). The pain this can then cause is HORRENDOUS. My muscles go into spasm as well. To the point where I have though I must be dying - nobody can be in this must pain & not be??? Surely? I found chiropractors, swimming & yoga helped as it kept all the muscles relaxed enough to stop the spasms. I was thinking that although you don't have a bump yet, maybe things are moving about. I guess it wouldn't take much to knock things out. I look at it this way - the Leaning Tower of Pisa's foundations aren't out by THAT much, but look at the difference it makes.

Sorry for rambling & this probably makes no sense. I well & truly have pregnancy brain today!!
Sorry that your doctor was so unhelpful :( My hip is killing too and back has just started aching- I'm starting to think nothing can be done and I just need to stick it out-I hope i don't get told I can't have an epidural :( as long as it doesn't get worse I think I'll be ok.
Hope you start to feel better soon. :D
Glad you heard your LO heartbeat :cheer: :cheer:

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