Consultant appointment tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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My 4 weeks signed off is up tomorrow so I have a consultant appointment to check my blood pressure and scan to check the fluid levels around the baby. I only have 4 weeks left at work and I really really really don't want to go back for those 4 weeks. I feel anxious just thinking about going back to work as I know I'll spend the next 4 weeks clearing up the mess that will have been left during these 4 weeks I've been off.

Pointless post really. Obviously the main things is that the baby is ok and healthy but I can't help but feel that going back to work will send my blood pressure through the roof and will do me more harm than good.
Hope all is well at your consultant appointment -let us know how it goes hun xx
Why don't you explain that to consultant. That you feel if you go back you will be stressed and anxious. He will no doubt sign you off if you explain. I was signed off for 6 weeks with stress and anxiety and it took me up to my date for mat leave xx
I am thinking of doing that. However, every time I go to see him my blood pressure rises and last time he said he may have to sign me off due to my erratic bp.
We'll see what happens tomorrow!
Hope it goes ok for you. My mw said I have White coat syndrome lol basically my bp shoots when I see a doc or need bloods or anything medical done xx
Good luck tomorrow, hope it all goes well!

x x x x
I'm sure the consultant will sign you off, but even if he doesn't just go to your GP and I'm sure they will if you say you feel stressed and anxious and are worried about work affecting your BP again. My last month off was signed off by GP not consultant...turned out my placenta had moved up anyway so probably could have been at work but ho hum, lol xx
Just back from my consultant appointment. My fluid is at normal levels again and my BP was borderline again. The consultant has suggested that I go back to work but part time and light duties only.
Have just spoken to my boss and it looks like they are happy to accomodate this and still pay me full time wages. Just waiting for a call back to confirm they are happy to have me back on these terms.
I'm not happy about going back, but am happy the fluid issue has been resolved and at least it's only part time and is only for 4 weeks.
Baby looked very active and happy which is the main thing.

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