Bad 28 Week Midwife appointment

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Oh dear! i think it would be quicker to say what is right with me!

First off i have sugar in my urine, my random blood sugar came back and is high even though i hadnt eaten for 10 hours before!, so i have to go for GTT next week

Baby is now measuring 4 weeks ahead which ties in with the blood sugar results so i have a growth scan and consultant appointment next week,

I am still anaemic, have been on iron tablets since 10 weeks, so have to up the dose on those, my B12 Follate store is also low so i have to have 6 injections in the next two weeks!!

Doctor has signed me off for 4 weeks

Just a little fed up to have all this on top of my SPD and now worried about baby :cry: :cry:
:hug: :hug: Sorry you didn't have a great appointment. I'm sure things will be fine with your GTT test. I get the feeling I will have to go for one after my next appointment as I had a trace of glucose in my last wee although I hadn't really eaten/drunk anything sweet before hand.

Good luck at your growth scan, perhaps you are just carrying a lot of fluid instead of a biff baby :hug:
when we went for our private scan on sunday, her femur and belly were measuring 3 weeks ahead so was expecting her to measure me as big too
I reckon that just means you've got a healthy baby girl with lovely long legs. Supermodel in the making ;)
it really wasn't a good apointment was it, i am sure you will be fine in the long run though.

Enjoy the next few weeks off work, it's very addictive.

It's horrible when this sort of stuff happens, u just want to be told there and then whats happening and if baby is fine...

Firstly either way with what you have said baby WILL be fine. that 3 week thing doesnt nessarily mean she will be a big baby it might do but take that with a pinch of salt...

One thing also is there a reason why you didnt eat for 10 hours prior? Is that what the midwife told you to do?

Try not to worry, u may not ave gestational diabetes...

xx :hug:
No but i had it first thing at 845 and wasnt meant to eat for 2 hours before so they counted from when i had eaten the night before x

My father in law is diabetic and has been testing my sugar for me and its 11 two hours after my special k so not looking good, he said normal would be up to 7 :cry:
x Naomi x said:
Lets hope so - she will take after me then :rotfl:

I thought you were doing community service :lol:

The good thing if they are catching any probs is you and bubs wil be watched and monitored properly. Undetected is when it is scary.

Good luck :hug:
I wouldnt mind doing community service if i looked like her! :rotfl:

Thanks hun :hug:

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