consultant and scan today


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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well im off back to hospital this morning for another consultant appointment and 2 scans 1 for growth and 1 to check blood flow to the placenta and from placenta to baby keep your fingers crossed for me all will be well and il have some lovely 18 wk scan photos to show you all later :pray: xxxxxxxx
good Luck- hope it all goes well today and you get nice pics! :hug:
Good Luck Rach,

I hope all goes well, hoping you are feeling well too......I remember you were suffering with the sickness a while ago.

Can't wait to see your piccies later,

love Em x
thanks girls :D
emmylou im fine now thanks hun sickness was really bad but passed quickly have been fine ever since just really tired all the time hope you are well too hun :hug: xxxx
Best of luck rach :hug: hope everything goes well for you, look forward to hearing about it all later xxx
Good luck Rach. I'll be thinking of you.
Lucy x
Hi Rach,

I'll be looking forward to a lovely pic and i hope all goes well :hug:

Good luch Rach, look forward to seeing the piccies later! :hug:
good luck for today hun hope all goes well and cant wait to see the piccys :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi all thanks for your well wishes :D
scan went really well today the blood flow was all really good and consultant was really pleased with the results babies growth was spot on to dates still so alls well and baby was really active rubbing its eyes and scratching its head it was fab got 3 photos but scanner is playing up at moment am trying to sort it out and will hopefully put the pics up later on
they couldnt see the sex today :( but got my sexing scan next tuesday so maybe will find out then otherwise i see consultant again for another growth scan on 27th december dont need to go till then as everything is looking so good at moment xxx
glad all is well!! i hope you can find out the sex on tuesday rach :dance: i'm still saying a girl!!
Glad everything went well today Rach - hope you get the scanner sorted so we can get a little glimpse of your bean!!
Thats great news hun so glad alls well! :cheer: Cant wait to see piccies! :dance:

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