consultant and physio appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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hi everyone hope you all had a lovely christmas
had consultant appointment today had growth scan baby is a right little porker :shock: he is way above what he should be and everything is looking really good blood flow from placenta to baby was excellent :D
so looks like all is going to plan still at moment :pray:
consultant sent me straight down to physio unit with a letter and they seen me there and then and have now been diagnosed with spd :(
got some exercises to do and they have fitted me for a belt although they have to order it so got to go back on 4th of jan
got to see consultant again in 4 weeks then every 2 weeks after that so they can keep a closer eye
we have a lovely scan of the babys face looks very strange :shock: never had such a detailed photo from scan before will try and scan it later or 2moro to show you all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Rach, feel like I having seen you on here for ages!!! I am so glad all is ticking along nicely, it must be a huge relief for you everytime you pass another stage!!

Big huggles :hug:
maybe your lo and my Dylan could get together ...And maybe find someway to meet in the middle instead of these extremes of weight :D

glad all went well hope exercises help
glad eveything was fine rach, apart from the spd that is, i had it very mildly with Louie & i know how painful it is.
big huge :hug: for you.
I've just logged on to check cause I thought your appointment was today. I'm really pleased that everything is okay, and LO is putting on the weight! :hug: Charlie apparantly was a porker, but he was only 7lb 8oz when he was born at 39 weeks! :?

Bummer about the SPD. :( Listen to what the physio tells you, don't do anything too strenuous, DON'T ATTEMPT to push a supermarket trolley (that's what teenage kids are for! :rotfl: ), and put your feet up as much as possible. Get yourself a full length body pillow - I found it a godsend in bed.

Take care hun. :hug:
glad all was ok ut hugs about the spd :hug: :hug:

looking forward to your pic :cheer:
thanks everyone :D
sorry missac been struggling to deal with everything over xmas and spent a lot of time at the cemetary :cry: trying to make jamies grave special :(
hi amanda :wave: it appears baby has a big belly like mummy lol im 24 wks pg babys bones and head were measuring 26 wk baby and his tummy were measuring nearly 30 wks :shock: :shock: :shock: so if he continues like that hes gonna be a right little porker lol :lol:
got a full length body pillow a few weeks ago but it appears ive been using it wrong :roll: ive had half in between my knees which was right and the other half supporting my back physio said i should support my bump with it to keep my hip from straining with the weight of bump :oops: if i need support for my back too i should use another pillow trouble is im running out of pillows and room in the bed lol :lol:
oh well as long as baby is ok i can cope with anything :pray:
hugs to everyone :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
rach said:
thanks everyone :D
sorry missac been struggling to deal with everything over xmas and spent a lot of time at the cemetary :cry: trying to make jamies grave special :(

It must be a difficult time of year for you Rach, big huggles again :hug:

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