constantly on my boob


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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noa feeds and feeds and feeds.. :wall:
he panics, goes breathleess and start to shake if he looses his latch! he feeds up to 2-3 times an hour sometimes. He dont drink for long, he gulps it down for 5 min then he falls asleep untill i move him then its time for the next boob.
they weighed him today and hes gained 240grams in 5 days!! mw said its twice whats expected!
can i do something so he feeds for longer but instead not so often?:roll: im getting very tired.
im lucky he sleeps at night tho
Have you tried a dummy? He might be using your boob for comfort!
I wouldn't use a dummy just invade he doesn't latch back on luckily Chloe is ok with both - mainly coz she spits her dummy out and refuses it 90% of the time lol but it confused my bells an she wouldn't latch again - I would suggest if he has fed within the hour from both side (regardless of how long for as some babies only need a small amour of time) then just carry him pat hi back burp him as much as possible he may have colic and using you for comfort get as much wind up as possible and use infacol xxx I had this problem with zander he would scream if he was taken away from boob x

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can u express a bottles worth so u can see if he very hungry or comforting
Aww he'll soon get the hang of what they're for. All mine were like that for the first few weeks. I couldn't leave the house. It gradually got less and less and nowhere just eats when hungry and life is much easier.
Aww he'll soon get the hang of what they're for. All mine were like that for the first few weeks. I couldn't leave the house. It gradually got less and less and nowhere just eats when hungry and life is much easier.

Zander did it for 6 months it was madness lol!!! Chloe isn't bothered she will have 5ish mins a side gluging down then burp and be happy for a good while after :cloud9:

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i dont think its colic as he dont really scream just search for it and makes a funny noice! but if demba then takes him he stopes after a little while and get nice n comfy with him, its just when i hold him :( he is fine when out as hes not close to me when hes in the pram and we can walk 2 hours without him screaming for my boobs.. but home he dont like to lay anywhere really except in our arms
Charleys the same! Wont sit in his bouncer or play gym, he just wants constant cuddles!
Hey hon, he will setlle better on Demba cos he can smell the milk when on you. I had this with Harrison and in the end, my mum took him for a walk for half an hour away from me to give me a break and for him to settle. He screamed at first but then fell asleep meaning he went a couple of hours before his next feed and this meant he fed a bit better next time and over a couple of weeks it got better.

Think it's pretty normal so don't worry about him and overdue babies often feed like mad and put on weight quickly early on cos they are that much more ready for feeding when they arrive.

Don't know if that helps?
k x x x
i was suprised tonight as i managed to lay in the bath for 1 HOUR!! and have a shower and dry my hair after without him screaming, cuz he was with demba, then when i took him it started straight away. Well its set now, evenings are dembas from now on so i get a break..
yeah i read about them smelling the milk i cant offer any advise though as ive never breast fed i do hope to this time though
Glad u got a break - make sure that u do when u can cos I remember just those few breaks in the early days helped keep me sane - ur doing an amazing job hon to be feeding ur LO and to get such good weight gain - a prope3r supermum!!! x x x
Cahal was the same at first - our mw said to try to keep him awake so he takes more in one go rather than letting him fall asleep. We ended up having to take his clothes off and tickle his feet to keep him awake but it worked!
I think that when new babies feed and feed its their way of telling your body to make more milk and its TOTALLY normal, Matt was like that for the first couple of weeks then it really settled down into a pattern. Keep going, you are doing an amazing job feeding your son - well done for breastfeeding! You are giving him the most wonderful thing he can have xxxx
between 6pm and 1.30am last night Noa would not get of my boob.. :wall: i can not belive how he can eat that much!! i know hes not eatin all the time but he really panics and we even tried at 11 just to let him scream for 10 min but it didnt help. It really gets me down as im so tired and after 7.5 hour of screaming and feeding i doubt myself as a mum! But i know we just need to get trough it.. its so hard tho.. :cry:

then we had it again between 4 and 6 am, he screams like im starving him

Im gonna try and keep him awake more today and hopefully we can get a night of sleep tonight..
im the same with tegan she was on and off my boob from 2pm till 10pm everytime i put her down she screamed! she was then awake again at 1am 4am and 6 am im so tired x
it sounds like colic to me, Toby was the same, it may be worth trying gripe water or infacol for a few days...
I he draining you boob after 5 minutes? it may be that he is satifying thirst, and falling asleep before his hunger is quenched....
its hard to know what to do, i feel useless and also im close to getting frustrated when i cant settle him which scares me as its not noas fault!
:hug: Toby has only just stopped cluster feeding as madly on an evening, I still tend to have my tea at the same time as feeding him so I eat at a sensible time
If you are feeling as though you are struggling speak to your HV, also is there a breast feeding support group near you, that has been my life line
Because Toby was feeding so often we tried infacol first, you have to give it a few days but it did help. Toby settled for my DH often because lying on his front helped (my knockers get in the way of this :lol:

if hes using your nipple as a security thing then it may be worth investing in some dummies. thats what joshua used to do and we realised he just likede to suck something so resorted to dummys. Got some advice as we didnt want to give him one but got told its only really an issue when teeth are coming through. To which we have orthodontic dummies and now he is just on one with the big bubble thing atthe end. Joshua loves it and it gave my boobies a rest!!!!!! Juta suggestion though...or like it has been said he could just be falling to sleep beore he inished eeding.... xxx

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