Constantly hungry


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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For the past day now, E seems to be constantly wanting to eat but never eats for very long. Usually anywhere between 5 mins and 15 mins and never wants the second breast in the same feeding session, however she will then be back to wanting food as little as 2 hours after her last feed.

She did have jaundice, so I had her on 3 hour feeds in the days and 4 hours at nights and she seemed to take them fine and happily eat for around 30mins, still never wanting the second breast.

I'm not sure if her change in feeding habits is normal or what and I am worried that she is not eating enough, as she does throw up a fair bit and have lots of dirty nappies. Though MV doesn't seem that bothered by it as her weight is good since birth.
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Breast fed babies ted to do this. Grace would cluster feed like this when she was new born! It gets better! Keep going girl and if you think there is a problem just go back to hv xxx
Hope this helps. Also is she refusing the same breast all the time? If so try the rugby ball hold, its when you hold baby with one arm and having them feeding of the breast from the side iykwim. X
Thanks for the reassurance. I was getting a little worried as she only started doing it after we got out of the hospital. Hopefully MV will put the rest of my mind at ease tomorrow when she comes. I think I worry too much with her. :D
Erica sounds perfectly normal, breast milk is digested very quickly and they only have tiny tummies as well. Join the club of cluster feeding babies! Kynon has been doing this since day one and feeds every 2-3 hours most of the time but sometimes I'm feeding on and off all night it's a right nightmare some nights and I'm shattered all the time. He's only gone 4 hours twice! Everyone says to keep at it as they settle down after 6 weeks, hope that's right!
Yep, defo normal for breastfed babies. And throughout those first few months they will have alot of growth spurts where they feed very regularly but tiny amounts then will sleep for aaaaages and you'll get worried they aren't getting enough, but it's so normal. They will soon go through it and then be attached to you all the time again lol xxx
I breastfed my first & she wanted fed every hour & a half throughout the whole day. It got very very tiring.


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