Connor Edward Acheson


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Finally managed to get five minutes to myself to do this :)

Connor was born in a real hurry. On sunday 2nd February I was watching LOST the first episode of Season 3 on Sky One! (We had been joking all week that baby would probably pop around then!) We were not far wrong! I had crampy pains all day and little to moderate contractions, but as I've had these so often now I tend to just sit back and ignore everything.

Well hubby and I were sat there on the sofa and I was squirming about for ages and I said to him.. JEEZ these pains are getting worse, I think we better time them now! We started to time them at 11pm and they were coming on pretty regular 7-8 minutes!

I started getting a bit edgy and LOST started to lose its appeal. Got to the bit where Kate had a knife to her throat and then I jumped up and shouted "This is really getting painfulllllllllllllllll!!!

So Wesley brought me the mobile phone and I called Maternity to ask them and the midwife told me to get over there for an assessment. When we arrived she had a look and said I was not dilated at all :| She also said the contractions were regular at 5 minutes apart BUT they were like a small one and then a big one, and she wanted them ALL big! I didn't know what she was on about really I just wanted some pain relief. By that point I was biting my finger every time one came. She went out brought me some codeine and told me to go home and rest for a while. I couldn't believe my EARS!! I told her that I felt very uncomfortable about going back home. I was starting to get very upset and cried non stop. I had a really BAD feeling about going back home. :cry: :cry:

Anyway we were discharged and by the time I got home I was bawling my eyes out. I could feel the pains were very bad and Wesley went to make me a tea and toast to calm me. When he handed it to me I flung the toast across the room and said "TAKE ME BACK NOW, I just couldnt stand the pain"

So we called a taxi and it arrived real quick thankfully. We only took 15 minutes to get to the hospital on a sunday night. It was now around 12.30 am and I was getting a bit delirious in the taxi. Wesley was sweating and worried I was going to have it in the back seat! I had to bite down into my mobile to get through the pain and not scare the driver LOL.

At maternity the midwife took one look at me in alarm. She ushered me into the monitoring room again and I vomited all over the place. The contractions were so big now my stomach was heaving. I was also pretty distressed. Without knowing whether I had brought up the codeine or not she ran off quickly to speak to a doc or something, and I was quickly injected with some diamorphine. I can tell you I was screaming the place down by that point.

She then told me to take my lower clothes off so she could examine me internally again and as I stood up my waters broke everywhere. I was sobbing and begging her to put me to sleep LOL, whilst poor hubby stood there as white as a sheet! She told me to lie on the bed and then I said

OMG all hell broke loose... She opened the door and screamed down the corridor for assistance and hubby tried to pick me off the ground as by that point I was really in pain. They shoved me onto the bed somehow and I was wheeled to labour room which hubby said wasn't even prepared! The bed wasn't made, the machines were off! As we were going down the corridor the midwife was telling me NOT to push.. she had to get me on the bed first! She said to my husband !
"Im sorry I need your help, we have to do a macgyver job now"

They heaved me onto the labour room bed together and whilst Wes tried his hardest to calm me down she tried to keep me still to look again to see how dilated I was. When she did that her face dropped. The head was already crowned LOL :cheer:

She said "OMG just WAIT a second, breathe slowly, I need to get my instruments!" lol I thought I was dying at the point, I could feel baby coming out how was I supposed to stop him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The next minute she shouted push and I felt floods of relief! I gave just three quick massive pushes where I thought my whole lower body was coming apart! I screamed blue murder and out popped baby!

It was then the drugs started to take effect and I babbled incoherently. Poor Wesley still looked like he was in shock but he was marvellously holding my hand and keeping me calm.

After Connor was born the midwife started to stitch me up as she said I had torn internally. I was so sleepy and drugged by then that apparently I told her to check there were not more babies in there first before she got her needle out. I then asked her for some pain relief as if she hadn't given me anything at all lol, and she told me to take the gas and air. Wes sat in the corner with the baby and nervously chatted to him. It sounded like an awkward conversation you have with someone at the bus stop. He was so shaky and hadn't had time to take anything in properly.

Well after that I was taken to the ward and my little boy was brought to me. I was so happy I cried for a couple of hours after that as I just lay there watching him in his cot.

The following morning the whole ward had heard about my delivery. Everyone that popped over to me said "OMG we heard what happened last night, that your baby came out like a rocket lol" One poor girl who was in the next room in early labour had heard me screaming the place down, and the nurse said she cried her eyes out with fear and tried to run away. LOL

Only 2 hours had passed from when I arrived in the hospital to when I lay in the ward with the baby. I'm still quite annoyed that I was sent home when I was almost nearly ready to push him out! Apparently they said that they follow that rule, as women generally dilate quicker at home than in the hospital. The midwife must have thought I was going to take hours. If I had been in a traffic jam or arrived any later I'd have had my baby in the taxi! :shock:

But he's here now and thats all that matters. I still can't believe how indescribably painful that was, but I would do it all over again to have him in my arms, he is so precious to us! :D


Aww gorgeous gorgeous baby honey!!! :cheer:

Can you tell me your top tip? I want a labour like that!!

We'll done you and i'm glad he arrived in the hospital and not the taxi.
How much did he weigh?
cool story!! I hope James comes that quickly!

Congrats babe he is gorgeous.


:hug: :hug:
OMG what a story! Did have me in fits of giggles though - I hope my baby comes that quick too but I think I'd have to leave myOH at home, he wouldnt cope like yours did :lol: Congratulations and welldone!! He's lovely :hug: :hug: :hug:

kellysomer said:
Aww gorgeous gorgeous baby honey!!! :cheer:

Can you tell me your top tip? I want a labour like that!!

We'll done you and i'm glad he arrived in the hospital and not the taxi.
How much did he weigh?

He weighed 7lb 5oz :D

I don't know how it happened so quick. Expect the unexpected is what I say. My first labour with ryan took 24 hours, but because it was 16 years ago they pretty much thought this one was like a first baby... They were SO WRONG lol..
WOW!!!!! i thought i was quick!!!!
well done you he is lovely! :D
congrats he's beautiful! perfect newborn!
he's adorable, congratulations to the pair of you, and a wonderful story t go with him x
Wow :shock: Well done! It must have been such a shock for you and your OH him arriving that quickly!

Connor is gorgeous, congrats :D
Congrats he's gorgeous!

I hope my little man comes that quick! What a great birth story! :cheer:
your birth story was great :D Bit of it cracked me up, lol :rotfl: And your little one is gorgeous. Congrats!!! :hug:
OMG Carla!!!! I'm scared just reading that! Glad all turned out to be ok and you have a gorgeous son! Well done :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww how wonderful. you were lucky :)

they were wrong to send you home though.

congratulations :cheer:

hes gorgeous, and i love his name :)

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