Birth/Induction story of **Leo John Wardle**


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting my birth story but Leo has been in and out of hospital with his jaundice but he is hopefully on the mend now. He has what they call breastfeeding jaundice which means it will take longer for him to recover from it and it will also take longer for his colour to return to normal. He had tests done for liver function and thyroid and they all came back as normal so that was a big weight off our minds.

Anyway Leo is sleeping now so thought i would make an attempt at my birth/induction story, So here goes.....Please bare in mind that some of it is a blur to me lol.

Well as most of you know we had a date set for our induction which was Wednesday 21st December 2011. I had to be at the hospital for 3pm but me and OH set off a little earlier due to traffic and car park ques. We arrived at the hospital between 2.00-2.30pm and got shown to our room straight away. We were told that a midwife would be with us very soon and when she came i was put on the monitor to check baby was happy and what not. I was left on the montior for approximatly one hour and then midwife came in and asked how my pains were feeling, The monitor was showing i was contracting but i could not feel a thing lol, After that i was examined and i was told that i was already 1-2cm dialated, My cervix was soft and quite low down and i was borderline for having my waters broken. But on the down side my cervix was still quite long and tubular so they inserted a 6 hour pessery at 3pm to help things along that little bit more. So all in all my body was nearly ready without any help which i was so pleased about. I was told i would be examined again after the 6 hours had passed so me and OH went walking round the hospital to try and help things a long a little. Shortly after i started getting very crampy and was thinking yeyyy hopefully things are moving in the right direction. So at about 5pm we went back to my room as tea was due around that time, I had some tea and then went walking again as i was still very crampy and they felt a little worse than what they were so i wanted to keep myself motivated as much as possible to keep things progressing. We went back to my room an hour or so later to wait to be examined again which was meant to be 9pm but 9pm came and went and nobody came to examine me.

After waiting an hour or 2 we got sick of waiting so OH went to ask when i would next be examined, He was told that they were too busy to examine me and that it would be a long wait until someone would get to me So she said to OH that it would probably be best for him to go home but he didnt want to so he just stayed lol. The next couple of hours dragged by and then about 1am a midwife came in and apologised and said that they were going to put me back on the monitor for a bit to make sure everything was still ok with baby. So once again i was strapped back up and was told if i needed another pessery they could still insert one by 2am and they would break my waters at 8.00am next morning. I am unsure as to how long i was left on the monitor but when midwife came back in to check what had been printed she was totally shocked and said that there is no way she could give me another pessary on them readings?? I was like Huh what do you mean and she said that i was having regular contractionsand that they were reading quite strong. I honestly couldnt and hadnt felt anything other than cramps. So she went to get a second opinion on the print out from the monitor. Soon after that the midwife returned with the wards head midwife, She also looked at the print out and said exactly the same, That i could not have another pessery beacuse of the contractions. The head midwife was lovely and explained that it would be too dangerous to give me another one and she told me the plan of action which was.. I needed to get me head down straight away (it was 3.00am) as they would be waking me up at 6.00am for an early breakfast and then i would be taken to the delivery room for my waters to be broken at 8.00am. Again OH was advised to go home and get soom rest by one of the midwives but we explained that there was no point as we live about half an hour away so the midwife just said to stay the night as there was a settee in my room (i was so pleased). Just as we were settling down to get some rest the head midwife came in and said i was moving rooms because a lady who was really ill was been admitted and her dad was having to stay with her, Turns out we had the only room with a settee lol. So we moved rooms and there was only a chair for OH so we both snuggled up on my bed , OH was asleep in no time but i was wide awake so i just lay there and tried to rest. At about 4am the midwife came in so i pretended to be asleep and the next morning she was laughing at how me and OH shared the bed lol.

Well 6.00am soon came around, I had toast and a cuppa and i was told to get my things together as i would be going to delivery room very soon. Well once again we waited and waited and nobody came for us. After a couple of hours OH went to speak to someone as we had no idea what was going on and once again he came back and told me that the ward was really busy so there was no spare beds and that the midwife who was meant to be dealing with me had slept in. I was gutted but i suppose it couldnt be helped. Dinner time came and went and we still hadnt been seen so OH went and asked again how long it would be and he was told that they couldnt seen me getting seen anytime soon. It got to about 2.00pm and someone came in our room to pinch our clock so we had a little dig at her telling her we had been waiting for ages and she said she would see what was going on. Within 10 mins she came back with the midwife that was supposed to be looking after me and she told me that they were just waiting for a room and then i was going straight round to delivery room.

About half an hour later she came back for us and took us to our room. On the way round to delivery we seen my own midwife that i had for all of my routine appointments throughout my pregnancy and i really loved her so the midwives swapped over so i could have my own midwife while i was in labour. I honestly could not stop smiling and was so so happy i had her as we both used to joke on at my check ups saying things like i wish you could deliever our baby and what not.

My midwife took us to my room and prepared my drips, I had to have one for insulin, one for contractions and one for fluids or something i think lol. She put a canular in each hand ready to be hooked upto the drips. She then examined me and i was about 2-3cms and my cervix had moved further down. She also said that she could feel babys head and that she was going to break my waters (this was such a weird feeling lol.) Once my waters were broken the midwfie said she could feel his hair hehe and gave me a stretch and sweep to try and help things along that little bit more. I was then hooked upto the drips, I had two in one hand and one in the other. The midwife then gave me a ball to bounce on as i didnt just want to sit around feeling useless, I wanted to at least feel like i was doing something to help things along. Not long after getting on the ball my contractions started and they were quite nippy right from the very start. Me, OH and the midwife just sat and talked for ages as my midwife used to live near where i live now. I felt so relaxed and comfortable knowing i had my own midwife as i knew what she was like. With me having gestational diabetes my blood sugars had to be checked every hour, This was OH's job as i wasnt able to do it with me having drips in each hand and having contractions lol. About 6pm i was examined again and was told i was about 4cm dilated. The contractions were coming very strong now and the midwife kept putting the drip up so i was having more contractions in a short space of time. They try to aim at keeping the drip at a steady pace so you have 5 contractions in 10 minutes but i was havin 7 in 10 minutes so as you can imagine i wasnt really getting any break between them. I was offered gas and air and i held it in my hand but that was about as much as i done with it as i didnt want to use it. (i think OH made up for my share of gas and air lol.) The midwife couldnt believe how well i was doing and kept telling me to use the gas and air but i just wouldnt. The pain was really kicking in now and i kept saying i needed a poo but midwife reassured me that it wasnt a poo and that it was just baby, I could then feel my body pushing and i couldnt stop it. The midwife asked me if i was pushing and i said yes and she told me i had to stop as i wasnt ready to push and it was dangerous for me and baby. I then needed to pee but because i had been pushing the midwife wouldnt let me go to the loo so she got me a bed pan thing and put it on the seat and i had to pee infront of OH and the midwife (not that i cared by this point lol. )
After i was helped back onto the bed i could still feel my body pushing and i physically couldnt stop myself pushing. The only way to describe that feeling is trying to stop yourself from being sick when you need to be. I then started using gas and air at about 8pm, The midiwfe was concerned about these pushy pains i was getting and the fact the i was pushing and couldnt stop so she decided even though she wasnt supposed to that she would examine me but just not write down that she had. She was in the middle of examining me when she said ' Omg i can not believe it... you are about 8-9cm sweetheart.' Me and oH could not believe it either, we were so happy to hear how well i had progressed. OH was an absolute star throughout the whole thing, He was so supposrtive and kept feeding me water as i just did not have the energy. My midwives shift was meant o finish at 8pm but she stayed with me until just before 9pm and then she had to leave as she needed to get home for her little girl. The contraction drip was still been regulated but because i was having more contractions than i should of been they asked me if i wanted some pain relief and they offered me diamorphine, I said that i wanted it but i was scared incase it slowed things down, The midwife said if things started slowing down all she had to do was turn the drip up. (unknown to me that they had been boosting it up all the way through lol.) So anyway i had a shot of diamorphine and everything after that is a little blurry in places. I kept falling asleep in the short space of time between contractions and OH had to keep waking me up lol, It was weird as i was wide awake through contractions and then the next second i was fast asleep. I was then so tired that i couldnt even be bothered to hold the gas and air so that was another job for OH. Every so often babys heartbeat kept dropping so they had to keep moving me into different positions, This was so scary but i stayed calm and i think that helped an awful lot.

At 11pm i was examined again to find that i was fully dilated and ready to push, I was so glad that once everything was ready and in place i could push and not get told not too, the relief seemed unreal. So with every contraction after that i was told to push, so i pushed with every little bit of energy i had left in my body and then fell asleep between pushes.
OH was down the bottom end with the midwife, watching all of the action, I never thought he would do that so it came as a big shock. The midwife then said she could see his hair and when the head was crowning she was telling me when to push and when to stop and told me to push through the burning stingy feeling, which i did and his head was then born. OH was still down the bottom watching everything that was going on and his face was such a picture when he seen his head. After one more push at 11.19pm his body followed and baby Leo John Wardle was placed straight onto my chest for cuddles and i breastfed him for a bit, It was the most amazing feeling ever, The first thing i said was he is just so perfect in every single way. My OH had a few tears and then we basically just sat and stared at our gorgeous little boy while i had an injection to deliver the placenta and was examined to see if i needed stitches. I must say the examination was really uncomfortable and stung an awful lot but i was so glad to hear that i didnt need stitches as i only had a laceration right next to my pee hole where my skin had been stretched.

I was then offered tea and toast which i totally destroyed and me and OH were left alone for a while with our amazing little son. Soon after i was told to have a shower before getting moved onto the ward. I was a little wobbly on my legs but was totally fine. At about 2am me and Leo got moved onto the ward but my OH had to leave us and go home which was an absolute killer for all of us as he only got to spend 2 hours maximum with Leo. We knew me and Leo had to stay in for at least 24 hours due to having to monitor mine and babys blood sugars.

The first night was so hard as Leo just would not settle for me and the midwives on the ward had to get the pediatricians down as he was making some weird noises and they thought he had a heart murmur, After all the stress and worry they had me going through it all turned out alright in the end and the staff on the ward were just told to keep a close eye on him. The next day we found out that Leo was slightly jaundice but was told it was nothing to worry about.

On 24th December.. (2 days after the birth) we were discharged from hospital and we were able to take our precious little son home. The midiwfe came out on christmas day for a home visit and we told her we were concerned as we thought Leo's jaundice was getting worse, So we were advised to take a picture that day and the following day to see if it had got worse and we were also told to turn his crib so it was infront of the window so the natural light could also help his colour. Well the next day which was boxing day came and he looked even worse so the midwife came out and checked him and she agreed that he was worse so she took bloods and took them straight to the hospital. Within a couple of hours i got a phone call off the hospital and i was told that we needed to take Leo back into hospital as his bloods had came back and he needed phototherapy. I was devistated but it was for the best. Me and Leo had to stay in hospital for a further 2 days and nigths and then we were discharged again once he had phototherapy and his bloods had came back as under the treatment line. We have since been in hospital again for further tests as i explained at the beginning but all of them came back as normal...PHEWWW lol.

So there we have it... Leo John Wardle was born on 22nd December 2011 @11.19pm weighing 7lb 12oz.

He is without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me and OH and we would do anything for him and it is safe to say i would do every little part of my labour again 1000+ times over for something as precious as him.

As for the labour, I didnt find it as bad as some people have found it but every labour is different. I really enjoyed the whole experience and couldnt thank my midwives and my OH enough for all of the support i had. I have already been pleeding with my OH to think about having our second baby but as of yet he hasnt gave in lol. I honestly look forwad to doing it again. So for those ladies that havent gave birth yet and are due to have their first baby my words to you would be to enjoy your labour (sounds silly i know) and just think the pain you are going through isnt going to last forever and think of the miracle you will have at the end of it.

Thanks so much for reading if you got this far as i know its a long one but just wanted to share the most magical moment that i have ever experienced. :)

Heres some piccies of Leo....

Just born....

1 day old....

3 weeks old, looks like hes trying to plan something lol.

Thanks again
Amy xxx
Lovely pictures hun, I have gest diabetes too but my induction didn't go as planned like yours. I had a section. My son is also called Leo hehe. Lovely name x

The jaundice will go hunny my son was very ill with it but they refused light treatment and I struggled on for a month before my son was aleart during the day. I had to bottle feed him too as he was so shattered he wouldn't boobie feed. So your doing well hunny x
Aw thanks alot hun. It was really hard with the breastfeeding at first as it was just physically impossible for me and the midwives to wake him up for a feed. You can imagine how tired i was lol. Hes absolutly amazin at it now tho he only goes 2 hours at the very maximum off the breast and thats only when hes shattered lol. Xxx
Awwww an amazing story and he is so so beautiful! xxxxx
Fantastic story you did so well, congratulations hes gorgeous!! XX

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