Conifold is 3/5 engaged and ready to meet her mummy! :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Just had 37+3 midwife (am on odd weeks now as going to tiny village surgery where they only do every other week).

Everything fine, except BP a bit low (no surprises there then) but since 2 weeks ago Connie has become 3/5 engaged :shock: - middy said she could feel only 2/5 of her head. Very very scary!

The midwife then said she doesn't think I'll make it to my next appointment at 39+3 :shock:

Oh and fundal height was 36cm so is starting to flatten out a little but still quite high...
Connie will be hear soon :cheer:
thata great new :D
oh you must be so excited im getting all excited for you
yippppe :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

sarah :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Thats really good news (but please don't beat me to it!! lol)
:dance: How cool to think you might not have another midwife appointment!

Glad it went well. I'm on every other week appointments as well, i dont have another one til 38 weeks which is a scary thought! xx
Rock and roll for Sunday the 13th then :D
Bloom said:
Rock and roll for Sunday the 13th then :D

How GOOD would it be if my 5 weeks' pregnant dream turned out to be true? Good because:

1. I can be smug.
2. I like 3's and 1's.
3. It would mean my dad was WRONG HA HA HA HA :rotfl:
4. It means I meet Connie really soon :cheer:
Brilliant news!!
tho... I don't think that its fair that you're going to beat me. :x
:) only joing.

COME ON CONNIE... out u come

:dance: That's sounding really good! It would be awesome if she proved your dream right :D
:shock: you know everytime you make a post like this it terrifies me :rotfl:

can't believe you'll have a baby soon!!! sounds like she's desperate to meet her mummy and daddy asap :hug:
sarafet said:
:can't believe you'll have a baby soon!!! sounds like she's desperate to meet her mummy and daddy asap :hug:

Don't know about her daddy!! He keeps singing songs to her with lyrics like:

"Luvoo ConiFLOD when are you coming to meeeeeeeeeeet us? Come out of de mumeeeee's tumeeeeeeeeee!"

She probably already recognises that she is the Spawn of Two Nutters :rotfl:
debecca said:
"Luvoo ConiFLOD when are you coming to meeeeeeeeeeet us? Come out of de mumeeeee's tumeeeeeeeeee!"

lol that sounds very similar to the songs my husband sings to my belly!
oh wow

can't wait to see what my midwife says

not long now eh ?x
Hey do I remember reading that your dad made another prediction that was rather soon, was it around 5 days time???

Maybe he's going to be spot on again?
oh yay!!!

Little James is 3/5 engaged, the midwife said fully engaged but I just got my notes out for tommorrows appointment and it says 2/5 palable. I think she must've meant he was just engaged as I think 3/5 is classed as engaged. I hope he is still there tommorrow and hasnt popped out!! xx
WOW!!! :shock: you might have your baby exciting!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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