Midwife came at about 12.15 (after me waiting in all morning for her!!). It wasn't my usual midwife, it was the one that delivered my little boy 2 years ago at home. It was lovely to see her and we had a good chat.
BP is up slightly from 90/50 to 100/60, but nothing to worry about.
Big thing is that baby is now 3/5 engaged!!! I knew it had dropped down over the weekend because baby is now resting right on my bladder and I am needing a wee all the time!! She said that if I get any painful tightenings or contractions to go straight to hospital. She also said that baby could come in and out of the pelvis, and so it doesn't necessarily mean that baby will be early. But I think that the fact that it is engaged and I've been having these strong BH's, she is just warning me. She said that at 32 weeks the baby will be fine, but they would want to try to stop anything happening at this stage (if it was starting).
So, don't know what to think now!! She said that the earliest possible date for a homebirth is 18th May, so I really hope this little baby hangs on till then at least.
Still getting really strong Braxtons, and period pains and back ache in the day and not just at night now.
Oh, and baby is measuring 31cm, but she said that it is probably slightly lower because the baby is engaged, so nothing to worry about.
Anyone know about early engagement in 2nd and subsequent babies?? Does this mean that labour is imminent?? Everything I have read says that once the baby's head engages, they are usually born within 2-3 weeks. This was true with DS2. He was fully engaged at my 37 week appointment, and was born at 39+4.
Must get my bags packed!!
Heather x
BP is up slightly from 90/50 to 100/60, but nothing to worry about.
Big thing is that baby is now 3/5 engaged!!! I knew it had dropped down over the weekend because baby is now resting right on my bladder and I am needing a wee all the time!! She said that if I get any painful tightenings or contractions to go straight to hospital. She also said that baby could come in and out of the pelvis, and so it doesn't necessarily mean that baby will be early. But I think that the fact that it is engaged and I've been having these strong BH's, she is just warning me. She said that at 32 weeks the baby will be fine, but they would want to try to stop anything happening at this stage (if it was starting).
So, don't know what to think now!! She said that the earliest possible date for a homebirth is 18th May, so I really hope this little baby hangs on till then at least.
Still getting really strong Braxtons, and period pains and back ache in the day and not just at night now.
Oh, and baby is measuring 31cm, but she said that it is probably slightly lower because the baby is engaged, so nothing to worry about.
Anyone know about early engagement in 2nd and subsequent babies?? Does this mean that labour is imminent?? Everything I have read says that once the baby's head engages, they are usually born within 2-3 weeks. This was true with DS2. He was fully engaged at my 37 week appointment, and was born at 39+4.
Must get my bags packed!!
Heather x