

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Now on second AF following miscarriage, CD1 is today just been to the loo and had several pieces of tissue come out of me.
It looked EXACTLY like what I had during my miscarriage..
So now wondering if this is another miscarriage? Or if it's 'leftover' tissue thats just been hanging around up there for all this time??
Is it really possible for it to not all 'clear' after this long?
I'm freaking out right now :(
Sorry to hear that millie. Maybe try doing a hpt, if it is a mc surely you would get a positive line? Although most likely to be the tissue left from your mc. Are you having any af symptoms?
Either way i hope this means your cycle will be back to normal soon x
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I think I'll try one in the morning just to see.. a line should show up if it was I guess.

All I had was a headache Friday. I had a cold start up Sunday and full blown flu yesterday. Body has ached all over ever since so haven't actually felt any cramps like I normally would which is weird! Not sure if they're just numbed out because of how much my body aches all over!

Hmm so rubbish! :(
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I hope you feel better soon. Let me know how you get on tom. I reckon its probably tissue. Lets hope thats the end of it and you will get back to normal cycles soon hun x
Looks like a bfn
Still doesn't feel like a normal period but maybe being ill is just messing it up :(
Ive read it takes sometimes a few cycles to get back to normal and the first couple are usually heavier. With natural mc or mm mc there is an increased chance of remaining tissue for a while. If it happens next cycle, maybe mention to gp so you can get some reassurance. Its so tough as after mc you desperately want things to return to normal down there! Ive literally overloaded myself with info on mca in preparation for tom and on chances of conceiving afterwards....feels like my head will explode soon! I feel obsessed with searching for info at the moment! I guess this is normal.....i hope! Fingers crossed your cycles get back to normal soon. I would class this as an af though for tracking purposes x
Hi millie, My second period after my miscarriage was heavier and more lumpy, the hospital said that after the d&c it can take a while for the old lining to shed!
which is why i was told its best to wait after a d&c to get rid of all the old crap x
Thanks ladies xx

Yeah I guess I might not be totally back to normal like I thought then? :(
Typical! Ive just arrived for mva procedure and went to loo and im now bleeding and passing clots! I hope they still undergo procedure! I just need it out the way now! Sometimes i hate my body!
Typical! Ive just arrived for mva procedure and went to loo and im now bleeding and passing clots! I hope they still undergo procedure! I just need it out the way now! Sometimes i hate my body!

When I went in for my procedure id been cramping really badly an passing huge clots for two days, They still did it for me xx
Thanks Lulla bell. Ive had the mva...was ok. No cramps yet. Just a bit of spotting. Procedure was ok.worst part which wasnt too bad was speculum as cervix was far back and around the corner! Hopefully have some closure now. Going to have a glass of wine for 1st time in 3 months tonight!
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Take care of yourself Melly xx

Been hating my body for years, it'll be 5 years ttc in March :( dreading it..
Thanks millie. I hope you manage to catch before then x
Thanks though Im not sure we ever will :(

This period sure is weird! It's basically stopped already barely anything all day and I'm only CD3? Which is weird for me. Yesterday I was hot then cold constantly, hubby jokingly said menopause and now I'm just freaking out about that which is crazy cause I'm only 28. I think when I'm feeling better from this bug I'm gonna talk to my doctor and see if they'll repeat tests to check I'm ovulating still, it has been 3 or 4 years since those first blood tests now.. and I'm wondering if there is more they can do for me. :/

But for now (unless needed to for bloods) I won't be tracking ovulation and going to try and ignore potential fertile week
Cut back on vitamins just going to stick with multi, coq10 and whatever the other one was the clinic told me to start (can't remember the name..)
I just give up..

sending away a sample for hidden infection testing tomorrow and after that our next real attempt will be frozen Embryo transfer next year. Our Frostie has been waiting since our failed ivf in April. :/
I think there is something to be said for taking a more relaxed approad. We were ttc for months last year. Gave up in feb/mar and tgen we cane back pregnant from italy. Not been tracking, taking folic acid. Id been drinking espressos and wine everyday. I think you should ask for bloods to be done again of its been that long. Using your wee frostie might be the next option but lets keep fingers crossed you get a sticky one before then x
Yes, we got pregnant the month we gave up as I was going to have the frozen Embryo transfer after that cycle but af never came so couldn't get started on the drugs :/ took a test 7 days late and bfp.
it's so hard to completely forget about it though always in the back of the mind :(

Will be calling as soon as this cold is gone otherwise they won't be able to understand me on the phone lol
Easier said than done thought trying to be relaxed rather than doing opks, symptom spotting, temping.....going to try but likely to fail miserably. On the plus side, bleeding is virtuallly non existent. Have a small drop when i go gor a wee but nothing on pad. Dont have cramps....feel fine. Might do hpt in 7 days to see if hcg gone and then maybe dtd if i get any vague ovulation signs.....more waiting! Urggghhh!

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