

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
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I don't really know what to think or feel at the minute

Today I should be 5 week pregnant
I tested when I knew my period didn't arrive, done several tests using different brands (just to double double check)
I had lots of symptoms - tender breasts, severe heart burn, extreme nausea, excessive need to urinate, feeling totally dog tired... then on Tuesday I became symptom free
I didn't wake up once during the night to pee which startled me a bit whe. I awoke yesterday morning, so I did another test and it was really faint this time
I tested again this morning and seems fainter still

I phoned the Dr, he just made me give a urine sample to confirm if I'm even pregnant to start with which wont come back til next week
I can't see a midwife for 2 weeks as that's soonest she's free

I feel like I'm in limbo
I feel like I've potentially miscarried and no one can tell me anything

I was full of symptoms and now I'm symptom free and having fainter pregnancy tests...
Is it likely I've had an early miscarriage?
Sounds like a chemical chick sorry :-( xx xx
What do you do if it is a chemical pregnancy?
Just wait to bleed?
When will that be? X
I'm going through one. I got my bfp on saturday and since it's been lighter and now negative. Period has started today very heavy and painful. I've seem the doctor on monday as was just spotting, she couldn't really help me. I'm currently sat in the doctors again as I need the doctors to tell me something so i've come for a second opinion. Your doctors do need to do something x
I had a similar experience in November last year. I had a positive test when I was 2 days late for my period, I had sore boobs, heartburn, increased need to pee etc. 3 days later, lost all symptoms and the next day started to bleed a bit. Tested again and it was negative. Went on to have a really heavy period with cramps which were a bit worse than my normal but nothing a few painkillers didn't take the edge off.
It's classed as a chemical pregnancy if you test positive before your period is due and then go onto have your period as normal. But if you are late for your period when testing positive, it's an early miscarriage.
I hope it turns out ok for you xx
Hey, if the tests are getting lighter it could be chemical. did you do the fainter tests first thing in the morning?

I had a chemical last month but had zero symptoms but i started bleeding before i even tested. Have you had any blood? Mine started as creamy brown discharge. I have heard on here though that it's not necessarily bad even if you do bleed. It's rubbish because your doctor can't even help until next week.

my tests went neg within 2days so keep testing and they do say with chemicals that some people have them without even knowing as 'period' happens around same time as normal so IF its a chemical
I would have thought you should start bleeding soon. Its awful being in limbo, hopefully you'll know one way or another soon xxx
So is it just an early miscarriage then?
I tested positive after my period due date and several days after
I tested a week after my period due date after loss of symptoms and that's when it came up weak on the strip
Its still technically positive but will keep testing daily until it is fully negative or I start to bleed first :(
My period was due the 2nd
I tested positive on the 3rd cos I'm like clockwork and knew I was late
I had symptoms before the 2nd which were obviously confirmed when I done the test
I lost symptoms on the 7th and tested again on the 8th and then again today , and the were both weaker and today weaker again

So my period is a week late

So I don't think its technically chemical is it?
Worst bit is I can't do anything to find out either way :(
The fainter tests were first pees of the day yeah
The instantly bright first tests I done were actually all later in the day
So definitely a drop in hcg x
I'm not sure on the date differences between chemical/miscarriage, from what scn says it would be a miscarriage hun, sorry for your loss :( xxx
Also, from what i've read, a chemical happens when the fertilised egg has problems attaching to the wall which is why u bleed so quickly as if it was a period. So if your period was due a week ago i would say definitely an early miscarriage. Could you call your local early pregnancy unit? They might be able to give more advice xxx
I was told no. Midwife available to see until I'm confirmed pregnant by test done at the drs today
So to them its not proven yet
Well I've not a clearblu digital, 2 cheapy sticks and 2 strips that says I am
Honestly they just fob you off
I know it'll come back saying I am. But by then I reckon the levels of hcg will have dropped low enough for a period to finally start
Boohoo :(
Better happening this early than later on in the pregnancy though x
Yes I agree hun, definitely better now than later. I just had my second miscarriage 4 weeks ago at 13 weeks 2 days. As heartbreaking as it is, I would go through 20 early losses rather than later........ Doesn't take away your pain or disappointment though xxx
It's not a chemical if its after ur af is due and as ur 5 weeks it's a miscarriage and I'm realy sorry this is happening to you it happens to me in October bfp wen I was a day late and I tested daily and the tests just got fainter and fainter and then negative and then I started to bleed :-( I just accepted that it wasn't meant to be and moved on , after having 2 late losses at 10 weeks this was kind of a lot easier for me to deal with strangely enough :-/ , take care and again I'm sorry xx
I agree, the longer you have to get used to and fall in love with the idea, the harder it is to deal with and (for me anyway) the longer it takes. any loss is horrible and very cruel :( xxx
So sorry your in limbo hon. I had an early mc last month and u knew cos my tests got lighter. I done a digi the same day which came up not pregnant ( had a pregnant 2-3 just 3 days earlier so my hcg was high then) and I just knew. I would try a digi and see what it says rather than go by lines. Fx for you hon x x
I done a clear blue digital on Wednesday and still said 2-3
so ill do another tomorrow and see what it says
If it still says 2-3, what do I do? Is the loss of symptoms normal?

I tell you, I've never felt quite so anxious in all my life x
If it still says 2-3 I would think this is good. Mine literally went in 2 days like I say and then bleeding started the next day. Have you been to docs yet? They could test your actually hcg levels too x x
I am not sure if it still says 2-3 if the hcg is moving along as it should be at 5+ weeks it should say 3+ but it's not 100% , only thing u can do is go to docs n ask for bloods cos ur concerned , could u upload pics of ur tests so we can have a look ? Xx

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