

New Member
Sep 1, 2012
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Hi all, just felt i needed to get this down in writing. I got BFP end of July and estimated to be about 6 weeks. We already have two fab daughters and wasn't planning on number 3 but seems contraception had other ideas. Yesterday afternoon i spotted brown blood - immediately went to a&e and im high risk due to complicated pregnancies and births. During the 4 hr wait saw two unsympthatic nurses who took the usual bloods and urine. Got told "it happens" and to go home as there was nothing they could do until EPU opens Monday morning (i was due scan next Wed for dating etc). During the wait at the hospital had urges to go to loo to wee (sorry if tmi) but then started bleeding bright red and losing clots. I refused to leave without seeing at least a Dr as i wanted MC explained to me.

Saw a lovely Dr who then checked usual stats, told me to come back monday for a scan and gave me a dose of antibiotics for 3 days. He also told advised me if pain unbearable or losing alot of blood to return. Once home, for about 3-4 hrs had awful unbearable cramps, lost more blood and clots on loo (sorry again for tmi). However, only losing blood etc when on loo and only spotting rest of time. Surely i should be losing more?? Still have the odd twinge and the back ache has eased. I still have no idea of whats to come or if the worst is over. So confused and upset. It's my youngest 4th birthday today and can't celebrate with them as in bed. I take it the scan on monday is just to confirm MC? My husband and i both devastated and he has been my rock.

Sorry for the rant just needed to get it all out.
Hey hun, sorry to hear you are going through all this. I have just lost my baby at 11wks, found out on Tuesday :( I had bleeding and clots like you, but only when i went to the toilet. But every situation is different and before i had lots of people reassuring me as they had the same thing and it all turned out fine, so there is hope for you. I hope its good news for you on Monday x
Update - on Saturday affternoon I took a turn for the worse as the cramping turning into one huge contraction that I couldn't cope with. I was rushed to a and e who gave my morphine and anti spasm meds. This only worked long enough for canulars drips and bloods to be taken. After three more loads of morphine and a drop of paracetamol the gynocolgist was called around midnight. During the connstant pain and contractions I started to hemorrage. Was whisked off for surgery and apparently more heavy blood loss. However woke couple of hrs later to be told all done. At last pain free and was at last told our baby had passed away at 7 weeks but my body was unable to deal with naturally. I wish they had offered me a scan on the Friday when I went to a & e instead of having to suffer. I'm still on drips 24 hrs later and unable to leave for at least another 24.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
Miscarriage really is the worst thing.
I hope you feel physically better very soon and can get back home to your family, where I'm sure you'll be much more comfortable and content.
Good luck and hugs!

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