

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I posted a thread earlier in the month as me and hubby had an 'accident' whilst not TTC due to recovering from my c section and loss of our son. I took the morning after pill about 24ish hours after we DTD and now the thing is I am about 4 days late...

I usually have AF on 20th of the month but last month it was 22nd so I could be 2 days late. Either way I'm late! Scared doesn't even cut it!

I haven't started my vits or good health routine or anything as after everything ive just been having a break and relax for a few months! Don't get me wrong I WAS pregnant I would b over the moon but I'm so scared and life is a bit difficult at the moment with looming redundancy. I'll never get another job whilst pregnant!

Anyways, sorry for the rant just had to write it down and get it out of my head!
:shock: have u tested hun? All I can say is if u get a bfp the baby would certainly be meant to be :hug: I you are, you will cope xxxx
oh hun, maybe you should test.. do you have any pregnancy like symptoms? Massive hugs hunni :hugs:xx
aww hope you are ok hun, i agree with the others you need to test!
No I've not tested, have no hpt or opk's or anything! I have been getting some weird symptoms which you could interpret as pregnancy symptoms but could also be AF looming. I'm shit scared!

I have come out in some spots, felt a little sicky today and had some headaches but otherwise I'm ok. I've bloody well had a bad attack of thrush too :(

I'm gonna get on my vits ASAP just in case! OMG I would be majorly shocked if I was we only had sex once and although it was unprotected I took the MAP!

I don't think I am, I'm sure it's just late AF due to MAP but I am never more that a few days late if ever - I'm so regular.
aww hunni :hugs:you should definately do a test to put your mind at rest so you know whats happening xx
oh i agree with the others you need to take a test, sometimes these babies are meant to be here and will get here agianst all the odds. I hope you get your little miracle even if its not this month then when you are ready.
oh god i hope u r!! SORRY not sure thats what u wanna hear but itd be fab news! if ur bodies ready so be it and as for if u did get bfp things always work out JUST REMEMBER redundancy or not "cant take the knickers off a bare arse!" lol GOOD LUCK! xxx
Right, still no sign of period at all and I have just checked the net about MAP. It says if no period 3 weeks after taking it you need to take a Hpt. It will be 3 weeks in 3 days but I'm actually thinking of buying a test today as if I was I reckon I would have a result by now. We DTD on 6th Feb which was 19 days ago, soni reckon it would be a clear positive by now if I am.

I have been having loads of wind TMI!! I usually get this badly when I am pregnant but I my hormones are a bit screwed I get a little gassing then!

I will keep you posted!!
Hunni have you tested? I came on here straight after reading ur status lol xx
I will test this afternoon, Grace has swimming at 1:15pm so I will nip out an get one after that. I will have to try and hold in me pee!! I really don't think I am, stupid MAP messing me up!!!

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