Confused with dates :/


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I had my midwife appointment this morning, which went really well. But my doc says I am 9 weeks the midwife says 7, my last cycle was Feb so no one really knows until the 12 week scan which going by the MW dates I won't have till the end of Aug. Shame as it's added an extra two weeks of waiting! I'm normally patient but not so much with this...Rant over! Two weeks isnt that long really :) xx
some are funny with dates i would wait and see at your scan i had an early scan due to bleeding and i measured at 6+5 but was nearly 9 i was told to carry on by my dates as buba could be slow growing and at my 12 week one i may have caught up to 12+3 when my scan is if not i will be 10 weeks which will be gutting but whats another 2 weeks if they do put me back ill no doubt be early anyway so will be around my edd any way lol carry on at your dates until your scan if it helps you xxx
how annoying, can they not give you an early dating scan to check the dates?
Thanks Vicky that makes sense. I guess if I'm 7 I won't get my St David's day baby due date but it may come early instead :) but I agree it's annoying as I convinced myself I'm 9+!

Thanks k8 I did ask but as I'm low risk pregnancy according to MW (i shouldn't moan really that's a good sign) so they just said wait until 12 weeks. So my weight gain is definitely fat not baby weight! Xxx

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