Confused - ov pains but -ive opk??


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hi everyone :)

Don't know if anyone can help me with this. I'm on day 10 of my cycle and the last 2 days i've been having cramps/pains in my ovaries and this morning I had a little spotting. I should be due to ov fairly soon, but i've done several one step opks and although there's always a faint line, they were def -ive. I thought if I was having ov pains then surely my opk would be positive?? Does anyone know at what stage of ov you can get ov pains?

Sorry if this is a bit long winded, but any ideas???

Cheers :) xx
How many days is a normal cycle for you?

Do you normally get ov pains?

Finally have you tried a different brand to see if its the opk?

I know how you feel I'm having confusing signs this month its all too complex

Hi - my cycle is normally 23 - 27 days and I think I have had ov pains in the past, but not normally this strong. I probably should try a different make of opk to confirm the cheapie ones i'm using - thanks didn't even think of that! What confusing signs are you having? x
hi ceebee

was actually talking to my gp about this last week - she said that you can get ov

type pain even when the ovary is 'gearing up ready to ovulate, as the egg

matures' so sounds like a good sign that things are happening!!!

clara x
Thanks pinkclara :) i'll take it as a good sign then and get BD-ing! :) xx
My confusing signs well I have a 25 day cycle and I normally ov on cd10, well this month on cd9 I had a positive opk, a small amount of pain (I normally get pain) and cm so thought this is it ov just a day early.

Then yesterday had really bad pain in lower left side however my cm had changed to creamy (sorry tmi) so I was worried about what that means! Does your cm have to be egg white to get pregnant?

And they say try not to get stressed!!!

Hi again KMG- that does sound confusing - I hate it when the body does things you don't understand! I'm no expert, but maybe you did ov when you think you did and the second pain was caused by something else - implantation pain for example? How many dpo are you? Also, might be worth posting your question about cm on the forum, as i'd be interested to know the answer to that too as I have issues with cm... I know they say not to get stressed, but it's natural. I'm pretty sure that every woman on this forum is stressed about ttc - it's a minefield! Anyway, good luck hon and let me know if you find out anything interesting xx ps I think my opk was +ive - gonna post it on the forum soon, so hopefully that pain I was having was ov pain...
Get it posted I want to see!!!

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