Confused (On formula now)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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It's me again... And I need your advice :pray: . I BF Brandon for a week and he is on formula now. I used to feed him every 3 or 3.5 hours and even then he wasn't SCREAMING but now he only makes it to 2 hours and he's screaming his head off as if he has never been fed. I make him 100 ml/3.5 oz every time as it says on the formula. He's only 2 weeks old, can't be the growth spurt yet can it? Am I doing something wrong? Can I be overfeeding him? :cry:
Hiya hun
I am not a formula feeder but i dont see the harm in offering 4 ozs and seeing how he manages on that :)
If he's draining everything in the bottle up it an ounce or so hun.. will also stop him sucking air in at the end of a feed if you make a bit more than what he's actualy taking - see how he goes with that but check with your health visitor also as she might recommend changing to a different formula that might be better suited to his gut. goodluck sweetie sounds like you doin really well with your hungry little one there :D :hug: x x x
Ignore the formula tin! We have always given more than it says on the tin as every baby is different!

Give him whatever he needs, you can't overfeed them at this age, so he will drink till he is full, or he will take a bit much and then just sick it up! (Not nice but they quickly stop that!) I have always aimed to have an ounce spare when Ella has finished drinking, just in case she wants more, but also as Fly says it stops them sucking in air when the bottle is empty. If he is draining the bottle keep adding an extra ounce each feed until you have that one ounce left over at the end.

Good Luck, he will settle down soon.
Thank you so much! :hug: You lot have made me feel so much better! I was really worried as he was sick this morning and it was horrible! He hasn't been sick before. Thought I was doing something wrong and overfeeding him but don't want him to scream with hunger either. I thought this forum was useful during pregnancy but I realise again that I couldn't live without this place! :hug:
Yip up his volume and see how he goes.

If he leaves something in the bottle then he's got what he needs :D
I agree with the others hon...

It's all trial and error really...


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