

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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hi there, im a newbie! im ema-louise 24, have a 6year old aready :)

well in sept 07 i was diagnosed with ovarian cysts . had right side of ovary and fallopian tube removed
i was told jan 08 i can TTC. i wasnt ready as you could imagine.
well now i am:dance:!

i have been off the pill for 4months now, regular 28 day cycle, ovulating fine(well so test says), im due today, but got a negative test yet again.

how long does it take for your body to get back to normal after the pill? could i be pregnant?

i have the sore breasts and slight weight gain.:roll:

(didnt have any problems concieving my 1st :))

thanks ahead xxxx
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy forum Ema :D

If you aren't officially late I would retest in 48 hours if you haven't had your period.

have you been regular since coming off the pill?

The weight gain and sore breasts can mean impending menstruation as well :)
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thanks for the warm welcome.

i have been regular for 3 months since coming off the pill..x
Have you perhaps been under abit more stress? It can sometimes delay your period.

Or you may be pregnant :) I hope this is the case :)
:wave: Welcome to :D

Were you on the mini pill or the combined one? i've heard various stories of how long it can take to regulate after stopping. Some get lucky right away and others it seems to take longer. It's possible you are pregnant. It took me 3 months with my first, 2 with my second and 1 with this one.

The nightmare about symptoms is that pregnancy symptoms and ones that your period is on it's way are the same!

I'd wait another 2 days and test again.

Good luck and have some baby dust! :dust:
i was on microgynan (my spelling is horrid lol)

i feel all im doing at the mment is peeing on sticks and having loving (not a bad thing i suppose ):)

my partner must think im some crazed baby woman :roll:

have been a little stressed at work, but no more than usual, i will test in a few days if the ging gan goolies havent been yet that is :)

also, im constantly needing to wee!!!!!!!!!
I was on Microgynon too :) I didnt get a BFP on a cheapie test for ages - I was a good 4 or 5 days late and I'd got a 'pregnant' on a digi by then :)

Oh I do hope this is it for you! :D
im hoping so too!

feel as tho its never going to happen
Well you've found a place to come and rant and obsess to your hearts content now! :hug:

I know exactly how you feel but it will happen hun :)

Are you charting or anything else or going for the traditional :bd: like :bunny: method?! :lol:

well defo at it like rabbits method!

but have been charting my cycle, doing ovulation tests etc, i have been putting it down to cos i had been on the pill since my son was born and it taking a while for my body to adjust

then theres the panic of, what if somethings not working correctly etc???

i fell pregnant with my son no problem at all, but this seems to be taking a while lol, not as long for some i could imagine, but im so impatient.:lol:

i just dont wanna be a "baby-zilla" :lol:
Well that method works well for lots of people so no reason for it not to for you!

Do keep us posted :D
:lol: Ema

Definitely we want to hear now :)
yes ive had 2 positive ovulation results :)

and of course been "at it" before and after the positive test.
What stage did you get a + pregnancy test with your son/daughter?
i was about 6 weeks gone when i had postitive test for my wee boy.

but i just "had a feeling" that i was, no symptoms, wasnt keeping a check on dates, tests etc.

its so different this time round as im constantly checking :shock:

ive been getting period cramps last few hours, but no period, this is my due date afterall....oh no!:mad:

Don't be disheartened hun if this month isn't 'it' but don't give up yet either :)
starting to feel like a failure, is it becaus i only have the one ovary and tube?

my friend has just found out shes pregnant, her bf doesnt even want a baby, but doing the good thing and supporting her.

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