Confused by my midwife notes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2014
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I had my 26 week check up today and I was a little confused by what my midwife had written under the position of the baby. My midwife is always running late and she was rushing me out of the door in order to see the next person so I didn't get a chance to ask her what it meant.
I understand that "ceph" means that the baby is head down but I can't figure out what the bit in the "Eng" box with the @ symbol means. Can anyone understand what she has written? I'm guessing it's nothing bad as she would have discussed it with me but it would be nice to understand exactly what she's written and why.
Any input would be extremely appreciated.
Sorry Tri hopping here, the Eng box is whether the babies head is engaged or not, the bit she has written means at the brim

Michelle x
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It could be whether they're engaged but it's a little bit early for that yet. In mine I had a page which said what the abbreviations are for. Have a flick through your notes and see if you have one it might have a better understanding hun xxx
Ah thanks so much, I can kind of make out that it says brim now! (why are medical staff notorious for having bad handwriting? :think: ) So would that mean the baby's head is engaged but only at the brim of the pelvis?
At the brim means not engaged just beginning to move down into the pelvis area. Hope that helps

Michelle x
I am sure baby is only classed as properly engaged when at least 3/5 of babies head is well down in the pelvis area

Michelle x
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I had my 34w MW appointment today (33+5).

She said baby is head down and dropped into the pelvis but could still bob up and down (there was talk of a bladder trampoline...).

In my notes she's written 4/5, so, baby has her head 1/5 into my pelvis.
She did not use the term "engaged" when talking.

Just to back up what Michelle said. Xx
This is what I thought. When mine was reviewed a week ago it said baby was 4/5 but descending in to brim and below and she said when you go into labour baby becomes properly engaged. I think with the last two babies, they were 2/5 until I laboured. This one will hopefully start to decend properly when I have my smear and start to get some real labour pains. Xx

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