confused (again)


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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hi ladies

put in my details to that prelogy website and it says that i am due in december put my test says 3+ weeks. Have seen another girls prelogy and she is 3 weeks pregrant but she is not due until 4th jan. Please help me to try & pin point when i am due or do i leave it to the doc on thursday to tell me
You could be more than 3 weeks hunny, cbd only go up to 3+, the doctor will go off you LMP until you get your dating scan x x

thanks mum2adam just wish i knew. Pants have got a little tight so maybe i am more oh god can't wait to fine out. I am sitting here oh half down in the pub watching the utd match don't know how i am goint to go down later and not drink everyone will be wondering why i am not. I wonder could i have one or two drinks. we live in a small village where everyone knows your business.
Early pregnancy carries the joy of being bloated, so that might be the reason for your tight pants.
Everyone to there own with drinking during pregnancy hunny, its what you feel comfortable with, I dont drink so I cant be much help in your situation. I know a few of the ladies on here have said they are on antibiotics or gone to the bar and got a coke and said it was a vodka and coke x x

Ya suppose i could do that alrite. Haven't a taste for vodka which i love to that's going to be hard. Ok will go & get ready and see what happens. Chat later. thanks again
How about saying u r on antibiotics and can't drink with them. Noone will think it's strange.
The CBD with predictor thing estimates date since contraception so you need to add two weeks to get your last LMP approximately, therefore making you in excess of 5 weeks/6 weeks rather than 3+, hope this helps
I think it is confusing as some one said about the cbd the go on weeks since conception and docs go on weeks since lmp, saying that the doctors go by a 28 day cycle which in theroy puts them 2 days out with me! Pregnology says 5 weeks 5 days and docs say 5 weeks 3 days because I have 26 day cycle!
Mine are all gonna be to pot, my doc reckons I'm due on 18 December but by my ovulation I'm due on 26th cos I didn't ovulate till cd 23 or something :eh:

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