confused about pregancy test result


Feb 4, 2007
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hello, new to this, so need your help!

Done a test this morning and got a faint line in the positive box - no other pg symptoms - apart from period 9 days late.

am i pregnant or does this usually happen with tests?
not everyone has symptoms.. a positive pg test and no period usually measn you are pregnant... congratulations

false positives are rare but they can happen. as said, you dont always have symptoms. id recomend leaving it a few days and doing another to be sure.

but congrats. seems like your pregnant :)
so it doesn't matter if the line is faint? Its about half as dark as the test line
nope... a line is a line... test again in a day or so if you want to be sure.... but i would sal it looks like your pregnant...

No , just mean that you are probably only 3-4 weeks pregnant, as you become more pregnant the line will get darker as there will be more pregnancy hormone in your water.

Congrats hun.

If you are still uncertain, I would go buy an early detection PG test and use first response or clear blue.

and aslong as the line appeared within the stated time and isnt a nasty evap line , id say congrats too ! :cheer:
evap line=line that appears after the recommended time for looking at the test result as your wee dries on the stick. would normally be a faint blue/grey line.

So if you had your line appear within the time on the instructions then its probably a positive.

Hope that helps!
how scary! wasn't prepared for this happening so quickly. I think i'm smiling...not sure!
now i am really confused! went to the doctors and the test was negative! He was surprised as well, as he said even a faint line means your pregnant.

I've got to take a morning sample in tomorrow for another test
i would try another home pg kit hun but fingers crossed
fairy140 said:
now i am really confused! went to the doctors and the test was negative! He was surprised as well, as he said even a faint line means your pregnant.

I've got to take a morning sample in tomorrow for another test

did you have a test done at the Dr's or did you take the first test with you and the line had vanished ??
didn't think to take the test with me. dropped another sample off this morning, negative!

So 4 tests - 2 faint lines (HPT) and 2 negative!

Still have no symptoms, apart from AF being 2 weeks late, been having period cramps since Thursday, but they've stopped today
BFP!!! Did a clearblue digital this morning and pregnant!!! So those faint lines do mean something!
fairy140 said:
how scary! wasn't prepared for this happening so quickly. I think i'm smiling...not sure!

:rotfl: i love it!!!
congratulations! have a lovely 9 months! cherish it and enjoy it :hug:

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