Confidentuality has been broken!!!!!

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I had to tell all my seniors at work about being pregnant as there are implications for my job, also due to all the hospital appointments it would have been hard not to have told them. Apart from telling the seniors i have only told my best friend who also works with me.

Well this morning one of the girls came up to me to congratulate me on the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She told me that while one of the seniors was on a fag break she had told her all about it.

I am really upset about it as i now don't feel i don't get the opportunity to tell people and more importantly that my confidentuality has been broken.

I have told my team manager that i will now be telling people and its because someone has been telling people anyway. Feel so crap and not sure if i should put in an official complaint as this could mean serious implications for my senior.

What would you do? Would you write the complaint anyway or just accept that everyone knows?

I was going to tell people whn i was 12 weeks but this isn't for another 3 weeks!!!!!!!
i think i would write a letter of complaint to be honest. thats ridiculus that someone has done this.

maybe even possibly speak to the person in question and explain that you wanted to wait until the 3 month mark?

sorry hun, hope you're ok xxxx
Aww tots that's awful. I'd be mad as anything. Really, really unprofessional of her to tell someone like that. It's definitely cause for a complaint but I'm guessing you probably don't want the stress of getting someone into trouble like that.

I'd have a quiet word with her an explain how upset you are just to get it off your chest and the reasons why you weren't planning on telling anyone for a few weeks. How incredibly insensitive of her :x
id complain hun :hug: when you talk to some one in private about a personal issue they should keep it to themselves regardless of who they are. :hug: Its obviestly upset you aswell... :hug: :hug:
id complain hun
no-one should of said anything without asking you first
manda xx
nothing to do with anyone else! a senior member of staff should never ever tell any other staff or their familys collegues business..complain all the way.. they should not be ina possition where they hold personal info aobut staff.. they cannot be trusted.. and u deserve a sencere appology.
Definately complain! Do it officially too - that will put the wind up them!

How rude and insensitive, they need to learn how inappropriate it was so therefore you must complain.
lisa&alex said:
nothing to do with anyone else! a senior member of staff should never ever tell any other staff or their familys collegues business..complain all the way.. they should not be ina possition where they hold personal info aobut staff.. they cannot be trusted.. and u deserve a sencere appology.

totally agree! I would take the matter up with HR dept
I think thats piss poor tbh.

I agree that you should make a complaint!

Im sorry that happened to you hon...


i would not complain. if we are all honest at some stage or other we have all said something then realised we shouldnt have. complaing won't turn back time just create more upset. unless this manager has caused you other problems with this being the icing on the cake i would let it go but have a word and explain your not pleased. i am sure she was just pleased for you and just got carried away, not professional but human....
if it was me i'd love to complain and kick up a huge fuss, because it is pretty bad. but i'm a bit of a wuss and would just let it go.
i think i let it go too often, just swear in my head and keep it to myself, but one day im going to go on the biggest rampage ever and start ripping random peoples heads off and stuff.


anyway, you should put a complaint in
I would complain, they broke your confidentiality. It's not on that you've told your boss something privately and she's then made it office gossip
if it was me i'd love to complain and kick up a huge fuss, because it is pretty bad. but i'm a bit of a wuss and would just let it go.
i think i let it go too often, just swear in my head and keep it to myself, but one day im going to go on the biggest rampage ever and start ripping random peoples heads off and stuff.


anyway, you should put a complaint in
I would complain, they broke your confidentiality. It's not on that you've told your boss something privately and she's then made it office gossip

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