

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2011
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Hi girls, thought I would start this tread just for fun!

My pregnancy confessions . . .

Since getting my bfp and telling my husband and parents I have not cooked one meal for myself!:lol:

I ate a tiny bit of blue cheese as I couldn't resist! :whistle:

I swore at the miserable shop assisstant in Tesco's as he got in my way :shock:

And I'm loving every minute! :busted:
:lol: haha mrsT that made me laugh!!
i have had a nice yolky egg since being pg...i just cant not have an egg without a runny yolk :roll:
Apart from that i dont think i have any confessions as such...i do like to play on my pregnancy to get lifts to places from my mum and to get a helping hand in the house from my OH :) xx
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I've had a few runny yolks and a prawn cocktail, and a white wine spritzer!

I quite often try to get DH to do stuff round the house that normally i would do. lol

Main one is not hoovering the kitchen floor - the lino isnt down properly so the hoover sticks really badly too it, and its just too much work. lol

I confess that I am happily letting hubby do everything as he wants too :)

I haven;t eaten anything except a Chicken Caeser Wrap and it was bloody lovely .
I had a phone call from tv licence as payment was late and screamed at her 'I'm going to smash my tv up if you don't leave me alone' then burst into tears lol
i had an episode yesterday...a direct debit for £3 had tried to be taken on monday and there was insufficient funds so i got charged £20...i was miffed as this £3 DD is supposed to come out on a friday, so i called the bank who then told me to ring the company, so i called them and they said they dont take DD's on mondays and to contact my bank...all the while i was getting very mardy and gettin a little bit gobby with them and when i hung up i realised that i had another £3 DD for the NSPCC and it was that that had come out (on the right day btw :/ oops) babybrain for ya!! lol x
I have been naughty on a few occasions! I have had a couple of wine spritzers throughout my pregnancy and a few runny eggs but recently been told to stay off grapes because of my GTT results! I am seriously struggling with this as I crave red grapes! I am only supposed to have a handful as a treat, however I ate half a punnet the other night!
I had 2 glasses of champagne the other week on my babymoon and it was so worth it!!

I now feel like an angel!
I keep wanting some pate and my mom really won't let me. I've not eaten or drank anything we aren't meant to in pregnancy and I've kept my normal lifestyle. Mainly because my mom won't let me eat or drink anything which is considered harmful, although I do think it goes a bittt to far. And I still do all the same houseworky jobs I was doing before. x
Great tread :)

Iv had a few cheeky white wine spritzers, Some tirramisu , And loads of fresh cream not knowing we shouldnt have it, Still not sure if thats true or not either lol

Im sure there loads of other things too that iv not even realised

Loving using pregnancy to get hubby to run to shops for what ever sort of junk food i fancy hehehe to be fair he wont let me do much anyway he gotten very protective of baby lol
Ooh I like the thread!!!
I had a runny egg few weeks back!

If i can't get my own way then I cry until OH gives in and then I blame hormones :shock:

A few white wines and wayyyyy too much chocolate lol
ive been really good x no alcohol, no runny eggs, no pate, not got OH to do anything ive carried on as normal. think its a bit late now x

although i have had a craving for tirimasu which i found out you cant eat but its a tesco one and they dont put raw eggs in it or exsessive alcohol so think im ok lol
Great thread! I've had a small red wine on a few occassions, can't think of anything else tho!
Runny eggs mmmmm
Hubby doing loads more and nit letting me carry anything :)

That's it really, I would love a prawn cocktail!!! X
No booze but the odd naughty food. My biggest confession is that my best mate knew about my bfp before OH!!!!!!!!! She turned up on the doorstep unannounced minutes after I'd done the test and I was still in shock!!! Lied and told OH he was first to know!!! Bad mummy.....
I've simply behaved like a pure breed Tasmanian devil, LOL! Tantrums all the way, whenever something doesn't go my way.

Haven't been bad with food though, just one Tiramisu in Italy, but I didn't know I wasn't supposed to!
Has eaten more than my body weight in popcorn this week! I am obsessed with Popcorn!

Need to stop eating crap and try to be healthier!

Instead of Swear Box, we all need to get a Pregnancy Sin Box and donate a £1 to it when we are naughty lol x
I've eaten goats cheese all the way through and had sneaky dips of cake mixture when I've baked.

I don't know if it's a proper confession but I don't think I milk being pregnant as much as i should or could do lol!
LOVE this thread!!

Hubby does most of the housework, sickness gets really bad if I do too much ha ha!!

Also, made cakes with the childern in work and all the staff started "licking" the bowl and I put my finger in for a couple of dabs before I even realised what I was doing!

Joys of being pregnant hey??!

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