conception date


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Dec 23, 2018
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I am a guy who had sex with a girl once, I am trying to do the right thing by being there for my baby. I am afraid she is lying about me being the only guy she had sex with. We had sex on 9/23/18 and they gave her a due date of June 20th 2019 and on December 21st during a scan they said she is 14 weeks pregnant. This doesn't add up for me. I want to be a good father and be there for my child. She is making things very difficult with lies about my friends and family and its constant drama with her. I have gone to appointments, drove her around for varies things and have put up with nasty texts and voicemails, I dont want to go though all this to be told its not my baby. Just wondering what other people think if its a true possibility that this baby is definitely mine. As far as i know she told the doctor the day we had sex but I am not positive she did. I am honestly trying to do the right thing and the reason I stopped seeing her is because of her drama and a couple weeks later she told me she was pregnant. Just want to know if these dates add up.
You can sometimes use online calculators that give you rough estimates date to when a baby was conceived.

I quickly did this for you. It’s a possibility it’s yours

You can sometimes use online calculators that give you rough estimates date to when a baby was conceived.

I quickly did this for you. It’s a possibility it’s yours

View attachment 82963
I have seen things like this but knowing the exact date we had sex why would they say she is more pregnant then what is possible by what we know as fact? Everything I have read said if you know the exact date you had sex it is a lot easier to say date of birth which would be at 40 weeks or after. I'm not trying to argue but this just doesn't make sense. My mom and an aunt have said they believe the doctor would go later in the due date to be sure the baby is developed enough in case of early birth. I know i won't know for sure till its born but she is already fighting me on a paternity test till its a year old saying its bad for the baby and i am going to have to get a court order.
Theres 2 weeks added on to a pregnancy from conception, so if its been 4 weeks since you had sex for example, pregnancy will actually be 6 weeks - so theres still every possibility the baby is yours
They count weeks from the day you last had your period.
So her period and ovulation week add 2 weeks.

I’m 8weeks pregnant in a few days which is worked out from the first day of my last period - it was the 31st of October, and my day of conceiving would of roughly been around the 12th of November.
Pregnancy starts from the first day of her last period, which is before she would’ve actually been pregnant, not from conception date
Babies are born all different sizes. When they measure a baby on the scan it is far from 100%
They're saying the baby is a couple of days older than when you had sex. That's actually pretty close, when I had a 6 week scan they told me I was due on the 15th - when I got to my 12 week scan they changed it to the 13th and they were surprised at how close those dates were as like I say it's not that accurate a science. Not only are the measurements difficult to get, so will be out by a bit, every baby is different and some will be bigger at 12 weeks than others.
The dates do add up for the baby to be yours, as other people have advised a woman is technically only actually 2 weeks pregnant when she is 4 weeks pregnant - 2 weeks are always added on - the fetus age is different to the pregnancy dating age, if that makes sense, I know it can be hard to get your head round that it is a little confusing!

Saying that, if you want to be a good dad and contribute to your baby etc then I don’t see the harm in asking for a paternity test before you invest your time, emotions and money into the baby, i believe it’s a simple pinpoint to extract blood, not sure why it wouldn’t be safe once the baby is born, i don’t see any reason for her to refuse a dna so you can be a dad to the baby with full peace of mind, surely that would benefit her too as you are more likely to be 100% committed to being a dad once you know for sure it’s yours, maybe just explain that to her
^^ I also agree with this.

The dates add up and there is a possibility the baby is yours. However, it's understandable that you only slept with her the once and you have your doubts so I don't think it's unreasonable for you to ask for a paternity test.

You're going to be emotionally investing in this baby before it's born; it's not really fair to ask you to emotionally and financially invest for a year before getting a paternity test when there's no reason for it not to be done as soon as the baby is born.

When asking for one though I wouldn't push the whole dates thing, as the dates do add up for the baby being yours. (When we had our 12 week scan baby wouldn't stay still and the dates changed anywhere between 12 and 14 weeks while the sonographer was taking her measurements, you could see it on the screen) just explain that it would put your mind at rest and that you want to be there for your baby and do the right thing, but that you feel you would be in a better position to do this if you knew for certain with no niggling doubts that the baby was yours.
I guess I'm just getting confused. When she went to her first appt she told the doctor she didnt even know when her last period was because they are irregular and she doesnt keep track, supposedly everything is off measurements and the day we had sex. I just can't believe I am the only guy as we talked a few days before this happened. Even my mom is confused be all this and she has had 3 kids. I am having the paternity test but i have to get a court order. Im trying to do the right thing but getting blocked from most things because i made it clear we are not going to be a couple. I'm just afraid of going through all this stress for nothing. Thanks for all the replies

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