I had a lot of issues after coming off the pill. Turned out high prolactin was my issue but being on the pill masked many of the symptoms including the fact I wasn't having periods due to the prolactin levels stopping ovulation. Once the prolactin was sorted, I had clockwork cycles again like I had before being on the pill. My situation was definitely unusual though.
It can be quite normal for periods to take around 6 months to return to normal but many ladies catch before their first period so it really can vary. If you're open to other methods of contraception in the short term, I'd definitely consider coming off the pill earlier to allow your cycles to normalise while you're not worrying about TTC. This is only based on my personal experience and the fact it became the start of a very difficult TTC journey for us. I've sworn off hormonal contraceptives for life now as although the prolactin wasn't our only problem, I would have picked up on it and had treatment so much sooner if I hadn't been on the pill.
Also agree with Jellybean about listening to your body and going with the flow to begin with.