Getting pregnant after been on the pill for years


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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You know how they say it can take a long time to conceive if you have been on the pill for years? Is that only if you don't get your periods straight away, or if they're really irregular? If you get your periods straight after coming off the pill and they're quite regular, does that mean you have as much chance of conceiving as you would have if you hadn't been on the pill?
Hi Cori

Its different for everyone Im afraid.

I was on the pill for 18 years non stop (Im also 34), when I stopped the pill I did get my AF on about CD33, so was very relieved.

Next cycle I got my BFP (just 6 weeks after stopping the pill). I did however use OPK's during the 2nd cycle to see when I was ovulating which definitely helped.

A friend of mine was trying for 6 months after coming off the pill and another has been trying for nearly 2 years - there seems to be no specific pattern unfortunately!
Everyone is different hun.
When I came off the pill this time (after being back on it for 7yrs) My AF's came back straight away. But 17mths later I'm still not PG :roll:
With my 1st I had been on the pill for 3yrs and got PG 6mths after coming off it.
With my 2nd I had been on the pill for 3yrs again and got PG after 4mths.
So it varies even for the same woman, you just have to ride it out.
That's the embarassing part - 2 months! :oops: But it's my first and my biological clock is ticking.
I feel your pain and impatience Cori! I have been on the pill for 16 years (I was on the pill when I fell with my first) and came off just over 3 months ago. My first cycle was 28 days (great I thought :D ), second was 30 days (hmm ok I thought :think: ) and now I'm on cd 35.

since we decided to try for a second (not an immediate decision on my part) everyone around me is pregnant or has just had a baby. Sounds like an exaggeration (sp) but seriously I feel like every time I speak to someone they are telling me that they, or someone else we know, is pregnant.

Trying not to obsess as it's really early days, but it's so hard not to. Even started putting a load of weight on around my tummy and I convinced myself that it must be because I'm pregnant.......several BFN's later no, it's pure laziness and over eating darling!!!

keep your chin up (as well as your legs!! :rotfl: )xxx
Aww, thanks. At least my cycles are around 24 days long, that's something to be greatful for I guess.
my friend had been on the pill for over 20 years she is now 38 and 17 weeks PG it can happen hun she took 4 months of trying hardly anytime :hug:

but as been said everyone is different xx
I went on the pill at 14 for irregular periods (I just used to bleed really badly all the time)

I got pregnant with Lola at 21 while i was still on the pill! We use wellies now instead :lol: :lol:
Lola's Mummy said:
I went on the pill at 14 for irregular periods (I just used to bleed really badly all the time)

I got pregnant with Lola at 21 while i was still on the pill! We use wellies now instead :lol: :lol:


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