

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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As you may see from one of my posts today i am still bleeding after 16 days. I have to go for a scan tomorrow to see what's happening.. I'm really quite scared about it all.. partly in case they find something really badly wrong. and partly because the last time I had a scan it was such a devastating day.

I know I'm probably just being silly, but I can't get bad thoughts out of my head. And I shouldn't be saying these things when there are people so much worse off than me.
dont ever say that hun that your being silly you are going through a tough time and the fact that you are still bleeding like you say is a reminder to you and i can understand that. :(

im sorry i cant offer you lots of advice but with my 1st m/c i had a D&C and after i bleed for about a week just over.

You are in my thoughts, i want to wish you good luck for tommorrow, let us know how it all goes. we are all here for you :hug: :hug:
Hi Tick Tock,

I am sorry you are still having to go through this...the bleeding is a stark can't really start to try and get over what has happened until you stop bleeding. I hope everything goes ok for you tomorrow.
I am thinking of you, you are going through a really hard time.

Love M
xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw Tick Tock, :hug: So sorry your still bleeding, I hope all goes well for you tomorrow and you don't need a D&C, But if you do, please don't worry, it's not painful at all, it stops the bleeding within days and you get your energy back alot quicker too. I know tomorrow will bring memories back you really don't want, but you need to look after you, A D&C is a clean start if you know what i mean, It will not effect your chances for the future either, there is less chance of infection, :think: All points worth thinking about, and NOT to Worry about....
Does this info help you any? maybe put your mind at rest just a little? I do hope so, Good luck tomorrow doll, Take care of you, Lv Yvonne xx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I had medical management for mine and was still getting positive HPT 7w later so I had to go and have a d\c. I hardly bled at all after the medical management.

I wouldn't have thought that there is necessarily something left if you are still bleeding although there might be. Have you tried a HPT the last few days to see if it is negative?

Good luck, thinking of you :hug:
Thanks for all your messages. Sorry i haven't replied before now but an update of our surfscout software at work means that this forum is no longer accessible :evil: (probably means I'll get a lot more work done though).

All was OK this morning. I initially had to give a urine sample which they were going to test and if I was still +ve then they would scan me... I obviously was as i had to have a scan. The pregnancy sac is still there and unchanged..... so I have to have a D&E on Monday to remove it.... For the best I suppose because then I can have some sort of closure...

Walking to the actual department was the hardest as I kept seeing people with their (very obvious) Bounty notes pack. Although everyone else in the waiting room came back with scan pictures and I didn't, although I felt quite sad it also made me feel quite happy for them as if they are there then I assume that they had had something terrible before and were having their reaasurance scans.....

I actually feel quite OK about it today... I hope that continues.

Hi, when i miscarried on 28th dec i bled for 3 weeks after, i planned to have a d&c but it happened naturally at home before i had a chance, i also had my scan today and had to go in alone as we were running late and i was dropped off while my friend parked the car. I sat in the waiting room with all the women and their bumps and pregnancy packs and watching them come out with their photos while i was waiting to make sure i had passed everything, not a nice feeling! I had to have a vaginal scan which was uncomfortable but everything had gone, so now im left feeling a bit of relief and of course sadness. It has taken nearly 6 weeks from finding out my baby had died to finding out that my miscarrige was complete, i wish i had a chance for d&c so i knew for sure instead of all this waiting, i hope you get the support you need to see you through this sad time :hug:
Tick-Tock said:
Walking to the actual department was the hardest as I kept seeing people with their (very obvious) Bounty notes pack. Although everyone else in the waiting room came back with scan pictures and I didn't, although I felt quite sad it also made me feel quite happy for them as if they are there then I assume that they had had something terrible before and were having their reaasurance scans.....

I actually feel quite OK about it today... I hope that continues.


Glad to hear that you're feeling a wee bit better today....its hard when they're so matter of fact about it, i was stuck on a maternity ward as there were 'no other beds available' it was upsetting, but the new mums looked after me with lots of love and cuddles and assurances that it would be me one day and it will be us one day with the bounty packs.

lots of cuddles :hug:

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