

Apr 5, 2010
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hi everyone,
wondering if you could share your thoughts/advice.
after two prgnancy 'scares' this year i'm coming to realise that i would love nothng more than to be pregnant.
i have been with my partner for7 years, own our house, both got good jobs - waiting not so patiently for a proposal but don't think it's going to happen anytime soon! I am just so broody - it's almost a physical need but not sure how to broach with him he is mr practical and the thought of trying for a baby is not on his radar. i know he would like to get married first but he's in no rush to do that so my qestion is do I jst accept this or bring up the subject? I guess that applies to both marriage and TTC.
The thing is when we had our 'scare' and my af was ovr a month late we both began to accept i might be pregnant and got excited.
I already feel i badger him when it comes to the proposal issue so not sure he could handle me bringing this up.

advice would be very welcome!

If I were u I'd just come out with it. I'm in a sort of similar situation, apart from my o/h is serving in Afghanistan at the mo - but that's the only difference. He's not keen on having kids but my biological clock started to tick loudly about 6 months ago, so I just announced it and told him I would be coming off the pill whilst he was gone with s view to ttc. He was a bit surprised but I think I made it clear that I'm not up for negotiation :rofl:

Just be straight up with him about it. Then you'll be able to get his true opinionon it without pussyfooting around. Good luck :)
Hi Bon - welcome to the forum!

I was just going to say always pays to tell it like it is, and then I read princess's reply! :rotfl:

Start as you mean to go on regards parenting, and discuss it , get your feelings out in the open and see where the land lies with your partner.

Maybee he will still insist on the wedding first, but perhaps you can bring it forward? get accross that you don't feel that you need to get married first.

By the way - I had my wedding , then honeymoon in euro disney in 2003 with a 4.5yr old, 2.5 yr old and 18mth old in tow ( with micky mouse on the wedding cake)!! Lovely to have them thereto share the day and be my bridesmaid and page boys, but would have loved a tropical island hut honeymoon, chance of a lifetime thing in hindsight!! (once you have kids you really can't do that till your 50!!!)

Good luck with your chat X
thank you for the wise words...
he's coming home from a short break today so i might just take the plunge tonight. I already know his response will be 'in the future...blah blah' as he's very traditional and wants to be married first which if i'm honest i would prefer also. he seems to think 2012 is about right - only ten years together then!
On another note i'm off to the docs this afternoon as i'm over a month late. test said no but would like to know what's going on as i don't really have any symptoms except feelin very broody.
How did the docs go today Bon, everything ok?
Good luck at the dr's and I'd just be straight with your oh xx
evening all! Well the doctors went fine although i've no got that 'i should hve asked this..' type feeling - typical!

She basically said that tests bought at the supermarket are more reliable than the ones they have so i should just take that result as correct and then test again in a week if no arrival of af.

I suppose i should just trust her but wish there wasa some magic test she could do to be sure!

spoke to the oh and he says that i want too much?! basically made the argument that we can't be saving for a new house(which we are), get proposed or begin ttc (which we're not) all at the same time...

i tore his argument to shreds and it's all gone quiet on the western front - proper mexican stand off!

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