Come on ladies tell us your secret!


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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I'm thinking of buying an ovulation kit but my logical mind tells me to let nature takes it's course and not stress about when motherhood is going to happen.
What did you find was the most successful thing for you?
- having sex every second day?
- using Persona?
- buying a kit that helped you chart your ovulation period?
- not thinking about it and having sex whenever it took your fancy?!

If anything struck you about your successful month please let us women who are TTCing know!
Thanks very much and good luck with your pregnancy. It's a very special time.
hi s
my friend was ttc and she was having sex in the morning and at nite every day!!! needless to say her man was very happy LOL.
baby dust your way
We 'tried' for about 6 months, concentrating on the middle of the month. Wasn't really working, so one month we decided to do it everyday and see what happened! As soon as I 'came off' we started and carried on til the end of the month.

I ended up conceiving on day 5 of my cycle (according to my dating scan). So much for days 14 - 16!

I did hear that doing it every day can dilute the sperm count, but it worked for us.

Also, a friend of mine has just got pregnant. She has been trying for a couple of years, doing ovulation kits, persona, etc.

She finally got booked in for a laparoscopy and was due on her period about a week before her appointment. She didn't need to go because she was pregnant! She put it down to the pressure being off.

Baby dust to all :D

Thanks Blossom.
Day 5 of your cycle? As in before your period finished or the end of it?
This is interesting. Do you think it's possible to ovulate 2 days before your period arrives. I think this is what happened to me this month and we weren't having sex at this time.
Thank you.
All I did was whenever me and my man felt like doing it we just did it....also my gyno told me before that you ovulate 2 weeks from the 1st day of your period so say I got my period Monday 6/6 I'd make sure to have sex on, around, after, or whatever on Monday 6/20 (that's just an example)....
Hope this'll help you out.
I bought a Clearblue Ovulation Kit. I used it for one month and got pregnant straight away. Same thing happened with my friend.
I would recommend buying one!
I too went for the having sex everyday in the middle of my cycle method! We Baby Danced from day 10 until day 17 of my cycle- my husband is still in shock I think!

Hi S

It was right at the beginning. My period started on 1st October, I was on for 3 days (typical for me) and I got pregnant on 5th October. My cycle is pretty regular, always about 26 days. When I went for my scan at 10 weeks, they pinpointed the exact date. I was quite shocked because, when i was late on 26th October, I expected to be 10ish days pregnant but actually I was 21 days.

They did say give or taker a day or two, but that would stil have made it the 7th at the latest. (if that all makes sense!)

We did try the middle of the month day 10 - 17 thing but it didn't seem to happen.

I'm quite suprised that I ovulated so early in my cycle, because i'd read up so much on when it should be etc. I had been told that to get pregnant you need to be doing it in the middle...which is probably why I kept missing it!

thanks Blossom this is really reassuring.
I'm thinking of going to the doctor. My period has dried up after 2 days. I now just have very light spotting which is very unusual for me as I have a full heavy period for 5 days normally. Its' not implantation bleeding as I had some clotting. My breasts still feel heavy which is strange.
My hormones have probably just gone crazy!

My brother and his girlfriend tried for several months to have a baby but they said each time they were having sex they were concentrating on creating a baby and nothing happened. They said they were getting stressed so she went back on the pill for a while. then they decided to try again but not to stress about it, that they would have sex whenever they felt like it and one month after she stopped the pill she was pregnant.
A friend of mine had to go through treatment because she was not ovulating properly and she got pregnant very soon after.
For me it happened one week after the end of my periods, never thought i could be ovulating that early but it was not a planned pregnancy so we never had the stress of conceiving.
We got pregnant in our first month of trying. I imagine it was the combination of twice daily sex, walking up the walls afterwards and plenty of orgasms after he'd done his business...... my little battery operated Ann Summers friend got a lot of use! :oops:
rosieroo, i agree with what you've said about the ann summers friend, same for me...
although we weren't actually trying... we were going with the "if it happens it happens" so that we weren't stressing about it, and it seemed to work!
Although going off my scan dates i ovulated a couple of days before my period was due, well maybe after it was due, i was 12 days late already and i found out on the 6th may, and my scan last week said i was 5 weeks, which would mean that i conceieved on the 2nd/3rd May!!!!

Ovulation and stuff is weird!!!!

Good luck chick xxxxxxxxxx
rosieroo :oops: I lost mine when I moved house I think the storage company as a very special box still there!

Anyway we started trying just before xmas (We were suprised that we never got caught before, because after 8 years of him on shifts and my odd times working in night clubs it never happened) But after about 3 months we are expecting our first, ever month I used a test to see (even when my period was due the next day) wanted it soo bad then it happened! I know I am very lucky! but we just did it when we felt like it (OK sometimes after i stuck my legs in the air up the wall and the little men to swim, swim like you've never swam before) I seemed to work (Glad my hubby as not got homer sperm (like the simpsons bumping into each other)) Just luck and stay relaxed OKAY LADIES NOT ALL THE TIME MAKE HIM WORK OR RECHARGE THOSE BATTERIES

Good luck!

cathy and baby bean
Yeah that's what me and my husband did...just did it whenever and it happened!....then afterwards I just layed there on my bed on my back for about an half hour to an hour or so....and I didn't wash right away......not to be sick but those two seemed to work!
I went on-line, found a website that tells you when your ovulating if you put in your period dates (I am regular as clockwork) my parter and I then had sex every night and every morning over the fertile week and third time lucky!
It was quite a giggle actually, instead of feeling like a chore with the fun taken out of it, it was amusing having all sorts of daft quickies before he went to work and grabing him when he got home from work and having him on the stairs!

Has anyone seen the film Maybe Baby? (Amusing film about a couple trying to conceve, based on the Ben Elton novel 'inconcevable?)
No.....but that was a bit too much information! j/k so did you find out you're pregnant? Or are you still trying?
That was a stupid question guess you are pregnant because saw your 'lil ticker Ihonestly didn't see yours before now! Do you know what you're having or are you waiting 'til it's born to find out?
we did the whole "let's just see what happens" thing for a few months without result, and then one month we decided to try and time it. so we had sex every single day in the week i thought i was ovulating just to be sure to hit the "window" (guesswork as my AFs are a bit irregular) - it worked 1st time!
I was the same. We tried for a year and a half and then we decided to get married instead. Low and behold as soon as I forget about conceiving it happens. This also happened to a friend of mine. Her brother was sent to prison and all she could think and worry about was him. 2 months later she was pregnant. Sometimes I think we need to give our bodies some time-out.
Good luck to everyone ttc sx

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