Persona Monitor & TTC story


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Hi there :wave:

I thought I would share my TTC story in the hope that some of you might pick up some of my baby dust.

Me & hubby have been trying to conceive since Glastonbury festival in June. I have charted my cycles since January this year so I knew exactly how long they were each month. Unfortuntaly I have varying lengths of cycles from 27 to 33 days, so ovulation is going to vary month by month.

I worked out by using a calculation method from the internet when I was most likely to ov & we BD'd every day or every other day this was roughly for 2 weeks. It became quite a chore and not spontaneous.

I decided to buy a persona monitopr to try and predict the days when I was ov. This is the first cycle I have used it and I am very impressed with it. It told me exactly which 2 days I was ov and so me & hubby made sure we bd'd around those 2 days (as well as whenever we felt like it within the cycle).

This month I have felt very relaxed about the whole thing & I think this is because we were able to BD whenever the urge took us rather than it being a 2 week marathon.

if youre reading this thinking this sounds like you then I would deffinitely try persona. Also after you have conceived & given birth you can then use the monitor for contraception or to conceive again.

Good luck to you all, hope my baby dust catches you.

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