Combined pill


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Hello :wave:
Had my 6-week postnatal appointment yesterday and as I'm not breastfeeding anymore I asked for the combined pill (even though the doctor tried to convince me that the Mirena coil was better...). The doctor precsribed Microgynon 30, which I have never tried before, and she told me I had to wait for my periods to come back to take my first pill,,, I found it a bit strange as it could take weeks for my periods to come back (they've always been very irregular),,, then on the instructions leaflet in the box I read that if you're starting the pill after being pregnant and giving birth you can take it as early as 21 days after delivery without waiting for your periods to come back :o I am a bit confused now but I think I'm going to follow the instructions given with it as the doctor seemed really not favorable at all to the pill (she even told me "do you know it increases the risk of breast cancer?" :shock: ).
Anyone who started without waiting for their periods? :wave:
My friend Bexx went straight back on it - and her first period was nearly 4 weeks long :shock: so maybe better to wait?

My doctor's the complete opposite of yours. I really don't want the pill because I have a HUGE family history of breast cancer - but they keep trying to force it on me :roll:

Anyway I'm sure others will be able to advise - good luck :hug:
i started without waiting for a period but i only stopped breast-feeding when my daughter was 8 months old- also by then i'd lost a lot of weight and im underweight now my BMI is 16.5 so maybe why im not having periods. its over 4 months now since i stopped BFing and went on the combined pill i havent had any bleeds during pill breaks. had a little tiny bleed this week but think thats from the MAP which i took a few weeks ago coz i was late starting my pills pack.

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