Combination feeding..


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hello Mummies,
Sorry if this has been covered before I just need some opinions on it.
I was dead set on breast feeding LO and for some reason as the arrival gets closer I'm starting to have doubts about my ability to do this! Stupid I know! I feel like I am giving up before I have even tried.
I bought a breast pump and bottles as I was hoping to express but I just wondered how early I can do this from? I'm not the type to want to whip out a booby in public so feel like I will be trapped at home unless I can overcome this.
The next thing I was thinking was maybe combining BF with formula, so if I was out I could have a bottle made up or something? Can you do this, will this confuse baby? I have been recommended Hipp formula milk as a good one?
I just want some advice on where to go with this, I know it will be hard work to BF but loads of women do it so I want to try. I'm just miffed as to why I'm now getting jitters about it, either way I will give LO the best part of the milk that comes through in the first few days.
Thank you in advance
Hey Hun,

You have to do whatever you feel is best for your LO.

From experience I find BFing so much easier than anything else. I was expressing round the clock and bottle feeding for the seven weeks due to Tounge tie and latching issues. Now C is feeding well I only express once a day. I do plan where I go at times and tend to go to family friendly places so that I can BF. I have a massive muslin that I cover up with. But that is a lot to do with my confidence.

I am sure you will work out what you are happy with xx

Oh and if you feel you are struggling with BFing and want support then find your nearest support group they have been invaluable to me xx

Great that you want to bf hun, sounds like you want to be prepared.

I don't like getting the girls out in public and I have probably fed out and about less than 10 times in the last 6 months. It's never as bad as I think but I prefer not to. You can get covers like bebe au laits or use a giant muslin to cover yourself up.

I wouldn't advise using formula to start with as it will stop your supply building up initially.

I started expressing when baby was 8 weeks old and I get one bottle a day now to give myself a break/let the OH feed or I use it out and about. I wouldn't do it much before then as you need the baby to regulate your supply to make sure you are producing what he/she needs.

It is hard work at the beginning, expect lots and lots of feeds in the early days, but it does get easier. Take all the help support you can from the HV/feeding support helplines. If you are having a wobble (as I had A LOT!) speak to someone ASAP or come on here and we can try to reassure you.

Best of luck x
Thank you for the tips and advice. I'm determine to BF just looking into other options/combinations. There is a bf group near me so will probably take myself along there when I start mat leave next week :) x
That will be good to get to know other mums. I find their advice invaluable.

I meant to say I would plan my day around feeds as well so I didn't have to do it out and about so with a bit of planning you can get around it if you really don't want to.
Brilliant, hopefully you will find the groups supportive. It's also a nice place to BF as it's enclosed and BFing friendly.

It can be tough Hun so if you feel you need to talk then make sure you talk to whomever you feel comfortable talking to. Xx

Use you OH parental leave, the week before oh went back to work we were out everyday, Costa is quite good for feeding as they have big comfy chairs and the lighting is dim, i would work on getting LO attached, he would try to cover me from prying eyes and then go get me cake :lol: Once you get the hang of it you can be really discrete out and about,

Mums from your local bf group will be able to tell you where is good locally too. I went antenatally to ours which then made it a 'safe' place to go really early on, we went down when he was 4 days old.
It takes about 6 weeks for your supply to establish and settle, I found that I could express more first thing in the morning with his first feed,
Thanks again ladies, so helpful :)
I think maybe just nerves about it etc I spoke to my step mum(younger sisters mum) who BF and she said the same so I can turn to her as well for advice :)
OH is really pro BF which is fab so I know I have his support. First antenatal class tomorrow eve so will see what I get out of that :) x
I bought a big feeding apron from Freedom Babe which I used in public when I was BFing, it was a god send as I wasn't able to be very discreet about getting Toby to latch, but this made me so comfortable as no one else can see what you are doing.

BFing is SO much easier than any other method, quite apart from it being the best for LO, making bottles up is a complete faff made even worse when they are shouting loudly for milk.

I loved BFing, never thought I would but the bonding is amazing. I miss it. If Toby wasn't lactose intolerant then I'd go back to it in a heartbeat.

But you must do whatever you feel is right for you, I know the pressure to BF can feel immense. In the end a happy Mummy equals a happy baby. I was FF and it done me no harm. Toby is FF and he's sooo much better for it.

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