Colouring Hair


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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I seem to be getting mixed opinons on tis from relatives & friends and wondered what you girls think.

I get my roots bleached every 16 weeks so last time was before I was pg im due to get them done again on Saturday and some people say its ok others say its not - what do you guys think?

Personally I stopped doing it just incase, I hadn't had dark hair since I was 13, now I love it and don't want to go back to being blonde!!
Well i usually do mine reguarly as well. im ginger and dye it brown. havnt got any advice for you im afraid but i have been too worried to dye mine as well. il keep an eye on this thread though and if other women have done it without problems i will as well!
Dark brown hair with ginger roots is not a good look!!
I asked my hairdresser this 2 weeks ago, the problem is that your hormones are different when your pregnant and this can react with the dye so they cant gaurantee your hair will come out the colour you want.
Thanks guys i think i will feel better with myself if i don't do it as I will be worrying - trouble is it's grey roots :shock:

i'm organising a big surprise party for hubby as he turns 30 in a couple of weeks so need to do something with it for then maybe i'll just stick it all up on my head so the ends cover the roots :rotfl:
I dyed my hair when pregnant with the others! It turned out fine each time BUT I didnt bleach it so I wouldnt like to say!
i want to know the answer to this too, mine was a really dark purple before and its started to fade, so its brown at the bottom but still purple at the top. i want to know so i can make my hair one normal colour as my roots are coming through too! :lol:
I am feeling the urge for a radical hair change so am going to pop in to the hairdresser for advice tomorrow. Will let you know what she says!
I usually get highlights.
I have my regular appointment for a set of hi-lights next week and keep fretting on whether I should cancel it or hair is currently a disaster, greasy, limp, roots showing etc and it could do with a pick me up, but I wouldnt dream of going if it might harm bubs!

I did read hi-lights are not so bad........any advice welcome though!
Well it was a clear NO from my hairdresser today - she said some people still do have highlights but she would rather not do it as they dye goes through the hair folicle and then into the bloodstream. Couldn't even have a colour so went for a bit of a chop to take out some of the remaining highlights and a blow dry to cheer myself up!

I explained I have a couple of parties and weddings and she suggested I use the colour mousse as this washes out and is only temporary and not as harsh as highlights/colouring.
Why not try an organic hairdresser, they do not use chemicals, but not sure the colour lasts as long.
i had bleach on my hair at 9 weeks, they said i should be fine, the just didnt go as close to the scalp as they normally would - thats when the probs would occur
I couolred my hair with my last pregnany and have bleached it with this one and no probs.

The only reason they say not to is your hair may react differently. So if you are worried do a strnad test. Otherwise go ahead.

Just aviod breathing in the fumes :)

Who can't live with out her bleach, lol!

Its amazing isnt it how one hairdresser can say its ok then another say No!? I guess its own personal preferance but it is weird lol
Well I decided to go for my appointment today, spoke to my hairdresser and she said hi-lights are absolutely fine as they dont even touch the scalp (if they are done properly), so had my regular hi-lights, however I normally have 3 colours put through - and I opted to not have the really blonde ones which contain peroxide!!

I also had my eyebrows waxed whilst I was there, and grief the wax felt so hot......and my eyebrows were much redder than normal!! :D
Thanx guys for the replies - I guess I am just nervous as the baby is my first and I don't want to risk anything so have decided to stick with the e natural look with a few greys :lol:

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