

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Helloooo :) this threads really for anyone but thought I'd pop it in here since I belong here lol!

Was just wondering how many of you have went to college/uni after having your little one? What age was he/she? Or if your pregnant, are you planning on it after having baby? :)

I've finished my SVQ2 healthcare and starting my SVQ3, I've been told that an SVQ3 in heathcare can get me in to 2nd year of nursing which I would love!!! :D

I'm hoping to finish my SVQ3 by the time beany arrives :) and then at somepoint in the futire i reeaaaaally hope to go to Uni to do nursing!

In some ways I feel selfish, that when my babys young I won't be spending all my time with him/her. But on the other hand, I'll be able to give my child a much better life as she/he gets older :)

Hiya! Ive just finished a 3 years in Uni and have just started a Masters which is 2 years. I found out i was pregnant 3 weeks after i started! I am going to continue with the first year and then i am taking a break in studies. I spoke to my tutor and i just have to complete a form and give reasons why. She said sometimes they can be funny especially if (like me) you have got a scholarship, but pregnancy is a perfectly fine reason! (I should think so!)

I will recieve a Post grad certificate for completing the first year which is good to have and then i can go back when i feel ready and complete! I know what u mean about feeling bad, i was tempted to give up when i found out but im determind to carry on, im just gonna keep in contact with Uni and go back when i feel ready, maybe if u dont feel comfortable leaving him/ her look at part time options? Good luck xxxxxx
Thats great that your going on to do your masters, Welldone!! It's good that you can go back and finish doing it whenever you feel ready! Part-time sounds a good idea, I had looked at doing courses from home but I don't think I would manage it, would end up too distracted and it would probably be quite hard! I'll have a wee look at part-time courses see if theres anything.

Thanks for your advice hun :) xxx
Thats what mine is! Is an online course, taught through this thing called moodle. Thats why im always online!! Haha.

In some ways its worked out well that i don't have to go in all the time (even though the uni im at is in my hometown) coz i know id be running out to be sick and for a wee all the time but if im honest its much more difficult, im struggling coz its just left up to me, they post a lecture every monday and tasks etc have to be done inbetween! Im managing but its stressing me out bigggg time!! When i look at going back though the tutor said that they might be running the same course starting next year as an actual taught course, so hopefully il be able to tag onto that! xxxx
Im doing my last year of uni :D

Its bloody hard work but the academic year isnt that long so its alright.

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