Nori's HV and mine would disagree
Colic often is said to occur more in the evenings. There is no actual specific with colic, as some people refer to 'colickly episodes' others just 'colic'.
If your LO is unhapy, pulling up his legs and crying it probably is along the lines of colic. Trapped wind needs to find a way out so you can try a number of things. Infacol (given before each feed) often helps. It needs a few days to start working so stick with it. It helps if you get the dropper in the cheek or on the back of the tongue so not so much is spat back out. Then pop LO on your boob asap after so it gets swallowed. Infacol works by making all the small gas bubbles form into one larger bubble so as to be easier to burp up.
Wind after feeding. Also try gentle rocking of the legs up and over (while LO on his back). Bring his feet gently up over his tummy as it will help wind at the bottom end. Also read up on tummy massage as that can help. Holding baby over your shoulder and swaying or rocking can help also.
Another good thing that we found worked really well and would stop our LO from screaming was to bath him in his Tummy tub, so he was upright and the water came up to the top of his chest. Always, always we would get wind up then and he would become calmer.
Your LO is still young for a dummy but you can try letting them use one. Sucking helps soothe colic but not sucking on the boob as this just makes it worse as it fills tummy with food. I'd advise if you do use one to only use it during the colicky episodes and to get a nipple shaped one, not a flat one. I used
NUK ones as they are nipple shaped and will help avoid nipple confusion. Also they will be a more familiar shape to a BF baby and chances are your LO will take it easier should you choose to use one. IT can really help with colic. I found it a lifesaver with my son thats for sure.
Also rocking, gently boucing in a bouncy chair etc are all good things to try.
Also in breast fed babies colic tends to disappear around 12 weeks when babys gut matures. You may hear your LO's tummy gurgle away but this is normal while still small.
Hopefully something there is of use to you