Painful wind at night


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2007
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Does anyone's baby suffering from tummy pain during the night? My little girl finds it hard to go back to sleep after a feed and I have to get her in the bed and stroke her back to relax her. She seems to have colic as she goes red, cries and looks like she is trying to pass wind in the early evening and occasionally in the morning. She had a bad night last night from 2am - 5am with her tummy and luckily I finally got her settled. I'm using infacol but I think I may have to change to gripe water. Has anyone had any success with gripe water?
Sorry, I forgot to mention that she is 10 weeks old. I can't seem to get her details or photo on the system. I need to get computing for dummies!!!

Just make sure you wind her after every feed for a while, lay her down a little, then if she doesn't setlle wind her again, sometimes wind is still there a while after feeding as Im sure you know :hug:

I don't know much about colic, except to say people thought Isaac had it when they'd hear him cry but it was usually for a reason rather than it being colic, it just takes a while to work out what they want/need somtimes :shock: This may help;

Isaac sometimes won't go back down in his cot after a feed because he wants to sleep with us, your little girl's still little, and so could be that she just wants Mummy :hug:

Hope you find comfort and she calms for you, don't forget to use your HV and GP, they are always happy to listen to your questions when you've a LO, very best wishes :hug:
I'm breastfeeding and giving 1-2 bottles of Apitimel a day.

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