

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Angel is on her 4th cold in her life!!! She had her 1st at 2 weeks! I'm getting a bit bothered. I didn't think she'd be like this as she is breastfed. I thought maybe she'd have 1 but not 4!!! Is there something wrong with her immune system, or just 'one of those things'?
I think it's just the weather and it seems that once they get one, that's it. Also if she is socialising with other babies, she is more likely to be picking up things. Luke has nothing as much as a sniffle for the first 6 months and is now on his 2nd cold in 3 weeks.
I think it's just one of those things. Evie has a cold at the minute...she's had a few in a short space of time. It could also be a sign of teething though. Evie had the worst cold ever last month and it resulted in two peggys!
We don't see other babies and when she has one it seems to last for 2-3 weeks. It's been almost permanent since she was born.
LisaJ1986 said:
We don't see other babies and when she has one it seems to last for 2-3 weeks. It's been almost permanent since she was born.

Could it be an allergy then? Do you have pets or anything like that? Does it happen when you have visited someone who has pets or when someone who has pets has visited you?
It could be an allergy to house dust mites. We all have them but in winter because we tend to keep out windows closed and our house warm it means that the dust mites are contained inside and can cause allergies.
We have cats and dogs. We don't visit people (i'm so lonely, lol). I can now hear them coming. She is congested the night before then the runny nose comes with a vengence! I'm constantly trying to catch her sneezes and i get in so much trouble for wiping her nose. I feel so bad for her but she sounds awful.
Lisa, it might be worth taking her to the doctors to see if he thinks it could be an allergy to the pets. My sister has a terrible allergy to cats and all it takes is a cat hair on her clothes and she's totally bunged up and snuffly...
aww poor Angel

I'd take her to the doctors too incase it is an allergy.

Is there any sign of teeth? Finlay's been a grumpy pain since his teeth have started coming in.

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