Cold / Flu symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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I woke up this morning with a sore head, sore throat and a general groggy / tired feeling. Its so horrible because I slept for about 11 hours last night and woke up feeling worse :( When do these symptoms start to go.. is it only when we get to the 2nd tri? I'm exhausted already, its so hard to go to work like this :bored: :sleep:
oh hun sounds like you could do with some hugs :hug: :hug:

i know what you mean no matter how good sleep is you still feel horrid i know

symptoms do vary so you may only have them for a bit or a while it depends mine have been coming and going recently but i hope your symptoms go soon hun so you feel little better :hug: :hug:
Ah, you poor thing!!! You need as much rest as possible. When I first found out I was pregnanct, I felt like I had the flu, so worn out! It will pass though. YOu never know maybe you actually have a cold coming and will feel better in a week of so. :hug:
Thanks tracey & hellie :hug: I spent the whole of yesterday in bed sleeping on and off and today I feel much better! Head is a bit sore but my throat is better :) I should really take a paracetamol but its so early and its nervous of causing any harm so i dont think i'll take any.
oww bless ya parrys are fine as long as you don't take too many mabe one might take the edge off? glad you feeling a bit better tho :hug: :hug:

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