Coil removed how long for af to return?


New Member
Jun 28, 2014
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I had my coil removed on the 10th of June and no sign of af yet. I haven't had an af in over 18 months. I had coil In for 2 1/2 years and I was expecting af to have appeared before now.
I want to track my ov but I don't know how to if I don't have af!?
I had the mirena coil in for about a year before having it removed. I had an af almost right away (but she never stopped visiting, while I had the coil) and my next af took 2 months to show up. After that, she was back to being predictable.
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Thanks, before the coil it was all over the place. I thought it would have arrived by now!
Its really hard to start tracking after coil.. I had my coil in for 5 years had it removed mid nov.. had af end of nov then a light af end of dec and positive test end of jan and was about 4 weeks pregnant. . I have no idea about cycles or dates or anything like that because my plan was to wait a couple of months to get bk into reg cycles as a nurse said dont worry if ur periods are a bit off first few months so I really wasn't paying much attention to them, maybe try the ov sticks as I dont know how reliable af is immediately after ur coils removed my first proper af was strange I started to get it back really lightly every month just before it was removed but my first proper one was on for two days off for two days ect ... sorry ive rambled a bit lol just my experience good luck ttc x

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