

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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this wasn't something i had planned to do so haven't really looked into the dos and don'ts. However it seems Logan wants to, and its come down to a choice of Co-sleep or No-sleep.

so for those who do or those who know what should we be going to ensure his safety?


no drinking, no smokers, no drugs, and don't let them get too hot.

other than that, just trust yourself, as midna says.

connor wanted to be in our bed from day 1 and i still love waking up with him next to me.

if space is an issue in your bed (connor & OH hog our kingsize mattress by starfishing :roll: ) think about getting a bedside cot - they're great. connor goes in his happily at the start of the night, then comes into our bed later for feeding whilst i keep dozing; if i wake up enough and he's asleep, i can just shove him back over into his bit of bed without even having to sit up :wink:
can i ask - those who co-sleep, do your babies lie flat on the mattress without a pillow or anything?

aiden has started coming into bed with me after his 7am feed for a 2hour nap, i've just been lying him flat on his back with his head on the mattress, and make sure theres no pillows above his head either.

i was always really wary about this, but it's funny how good your intuition is with your baby :)
I intend to try and get LO to sleep sepreatly if we can, but a friend lent us this and said it was a life saver! ... n%26sa%3DN

the great thing about it if your nervous is that the side can go up and is lowered really easily, and also the co sleeper attaches to the bed, so it wont move away. she said it was great for late night feeds, and her and OH could still have their own space.
I'm a very fidgety sleeper so Angel only comes into my bed when she has her morning feed at 5am. Otherwise it'll be time to get up as i for the life of me cannot put her back in her basket without waking her. I won't have her in all night as i really do move around. I'd probably ping her off the bed.
I just lay her flat on the mattress with no covers on, as when the sun comes up it's in our window and it gets so hot.
sarafet said:
can i ask - those who co-sleep, do your babies lie flat on the mattress without a pillow or anything?

yup, no pillows and no covers - he goes in his sleeping bag, and i push the duvet down so that it doesn't cover him. he lies with his head at boob level :lol:
lil miss sleeps curled up at my chest with my arm under her head so she can latch on and off during the night at her will... sometimes my arm goes dead though so I have to let her head drop onto the mattress, and I clear all pillows etc away from her... as for covers, atm its too hot for covers even with aircon, but before, lil miss used to be in her grow bag and I had a separate duvet that I could pop her on top of.... your baby has just spent all of his known life near to you, to suddenly be abandoned in a cot is terribly distressing for a LO which is why they much prefer to be carried, held or co sleep. As Midna said, trust yourself, humans were made to co sleep with their babies.. :hug: :hug:
We co-sleep and have found it very comforting.

I would advise what is said above. xxx
purple13 said:
sarafet said:
can i ask - those who co-sleep, do your babies lie flat on the mattress without a pillow or anything?

yup, no pillows and no covers - he goes in his sleeping bag, and i push the duvet down so that it doesn't cover him. he lies with his head at boob level :lol:

That's what I do with Galen also when he comes into bed with us. Although I don't do it too often, maybe once or twice a week. Between his Daddy and him I get about an inch of bedspace. Galen starfish sleeps so has his arms right out and takes up almost all of one side of our bed.

Plus he loves sleeping in his cot and is very content in there upon waking and I can let himm be in there for a good half an hour before needing to go pick him up for a feed or something. Never fusses when he goes to bed at night either and is alseep within 20 mminutes of going in. Gotta love that Tiny Love mobile! :lol:
I co-slept with my Logan from day 1 until a couple nights ago when we put him in his cot (pushed beside the bed with the side off).

I used to sleep under the duvet with Logan next to me on top of the duvet in his grow bag. I tried having the duvet pulled down at my waist level but got too cold (would be ok now though).

My OH slept in the spare room as he complained he was squashed.

There's a really good book about co-sleeping called 'three in a bed' which makes you realise that it's what nature intended. The victorians made putting babies in a cot the norm, it was unusual before then.
I used to co-sleep with Danica from day one until she was 4 months old. She slept on my chest for the first two months btu when she became heavy she slept next to me. Anyway, I agree with the advice that others gave. I would just recommend 'three in a bed' by deborah jackson - really, really good book on co-sleeping!
i like co-sleeping with Tally, i always said i wouldn't do it as i'm a very figity sleeper but from day 1 i've done it i was even worried in hossi i'd get told off for having her sleeping on my chest lol.

i get her to sleep at 11 and she goes in her moses so i can sleep well then when she get uo, usually around 6/7 she comes in to my bed and doesn't leave.

i make syre we're in the middle of the bed so she cant go anywhere and i used to put her blanket on her and my duve on me up to her legs and snuggle her in, cos it warm now i dont take her blanket 2 and if shes cold i put my duvet up to her chest byt no higher.

i've never turned my back on her and it's kovely waking up with her there beside me
I never intended to co sleep either but we are doing now...

I read Three in a Bed too but found it a bit annoying, it came accross as quite defensive with lots and lots of evidence of how it's normal to co sleep; which was fine but I had hoped it would be more instructive in how to co sleep safely and comfortably and how to get little one to sleep without me and also in the cot. Still worth a skim read though

Still you are right to think that some sleep is better than no sleep for all the family; however you are able to get it! Good luck x

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