Clutching at straws..


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2012
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For names. So after deciding a 2nd time for a name for baby, OH has decided against it again. I feel this is cruel. I actually give up and am now clutching at straws trying to find some nice names. We can't agree on any.

It's getting me down now.. One min it's all ok next it's not , I don't know what's going on!
After my scare of yesterday's false labour I just want my baby to be healthy and loved. I'm sick of being messed about with names! Or am I being silly? I may not bother name him in the end it's gotten so stupid. So I've asked OH to pick a name and stop messin around. It's causing me and the baby stress and it's not good for either one of us!
(I'm the kind that likes to have a name so I can bond that little bit more. like I don't enjoy calling him the baby etc so he needs a name. I've got 4 weeks til he's cooked!)

Just urgh! Sorry needed to type it somewhere!

Don't be sorry hun!! Is there a reason he's saying no to a particular name? Is he offering any suggestions at all? I don't know what to suggest other than maybe both writing a list of names each and seeing if there's a middle ground where you like similar names and could go from there? Xx
Don't be sorry hun!! Is there a reason he's saying no to a particular name? Is he offering any suggestions at all? I don't know what to suggest other than maybe both writing a list of names each and seeing if there's a middle ground where you like similar names and could go from there? Xx

I don't know laura :( we've chosen a couple of different names now. Yeah he didn't like wyatt. We argued and changed it. Now it's happening all over again. Just don't understand. I ask him what he wants to call him and he can't even come up with anything. Doesn't even look!

Then makes me feel bad by doing sad faces and saying he's useless! I dunno what's going on with him. Just hurts my heart (maybe hormones) that he can keep doing this.

I dunno whether he tells people the names and they put him off, not a clue..
He's going to be a brilliant dad but this is his downfall, making false promises and stuff it seems.

Try postponing the conversation for a while hun and tell him to have a look and come up with a list of names then agree on a time to sit and go through your options, that way you've given him time to have a look and read up on what's out there so it's not putting him on the spot? Xx
Dh spent most of the time rubbishing the names I came up with. In the end I refused to suggest anymore until he came up with some names. I downloaded an app called baby names onto his phone andvthat resulted in 3 names he put forward and 2 of them I liked!
I've found it quite daunting the idea of naming someone though, its really hard!! We've decided not to settle til she's out though incase she looks like specific name...
He's chosen one now.. And I like it. Well 2nd best lol but I do like it. So he's set on that now.
Hope he doesn't change it again.

I agree it's so hard!

Bless you , I have give up with my hubby told him of he thinks he can choose better than go 4 it
I had the same problem with my partner lol, i've chosen several names ...he loves them, then a few days later he changes his mind and wants another, we both tried writing a list but couldn't find any middle ground as all his choices just didn't agree with me or i really really hated them,eventually told him since she was due in december to look up christmas,nature and winter names and let him go through them all till he found 1 we both loved,the trick was to make him feel in control of choosing the name so he felt involved and happy with it ...this time he's not changing his mind so must have done something right lol......

Hope you stick to the name you've both agreed on cause i know how stressful it is to start to bond to a name and then you have to give it up when you were happy with it hun :)
My OH is really indecisive about names too - he won't decide on one as he says he won't know until we see him - but like you, I wanted a name so I could start calling him it and not 'the baby' any more! I don't think it's an argument I'm going to win though, I suppose I'd rather him do this than keep deciding on one then changing his mind like your OH though!

So we've got three, George, James or Joseph and I think we'll be deciding when he's born x
When we were having our first, we were team yellow so chose a girls and a boys name. This time, we found out early on that we were having a boy and I thought the name would be all sorted. Apparently not! He wasn't sure of the name we'd both chosen just a year or so earlier :roll: We both did a new shortlist (mine had 3, his had 4). It took him AGES to get a list together, was driving me mad. Luckily one name appeared on both our lists, so we've gone with that. I won't be impressed if he changes his mind once he sees our son!!!
Mmm fingers crossed he stays with this name! It's guna be hard trying to call him it now as I'm so used to the other name lol. It's now 'currently' Ewan Wyatt Briggs.

If he changes it again I swear I'll smack him haha.
Hubby and i took ages to agree on harry for a boy, and still havent fullt decided on a girls name yet!! He wants sophie i like lilly.

Michelle. x
Hubby and i took ages to agree on harry for a boy, and still havent fullt decided on a girls name yet!! He wants sophie i like lilly.

Michelle. x

It's just so tricky! Haha I know not everyone likes the same stuff but gosh lol
aw bless you. I was really lucky as my husband was great about our little boys name. I hope he settles with the one yous have chosen now x
aw bless you. I was really lucky as my husband was great about our little boys name. I hope he settles with the one yous have chosen now x

Thankyou Hun! We were fine with girls names we had loads we wanted lol boys are just tricky. Well we find it hard haha.

Fingers crossed all stays the same now! Hehe
Names are tough arent they hun?! :-@ Glad you've both found a name that you like now! :) xx

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