Clothing in the heat


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hi mums! I have a question for you. I was at a garden party today and the weather was scorching. I know obviously young children and babies need to be protected in the sun but these kids were wearing jeans and long sleeved jumpers. My SIL baby had a body suit, babygrow and a blanket over him. Is this a danish thing or is this how kids have to be dressed now? I remember seeing familys in the park with children under an umbrella with summer clothes and lots of sun protection and a hat on. This time next year I will have an 8 month year old girl and I envisioned her in gorgeous liitle dresses with a hat and matching knickers like you can buy in Mothercare, would this be wrong? I'm so confused, the kids today were all red and grumpy, I'm sure they felt too hot and bothered. Please shed some light on this for me! :think:
I was reading this thing in 'womans own' or something liek that it was my mums mag, anyway. It has a story in there of a teenage mum who fell in love and met a guy on holiday, she got pregnant and wanted to fly back to spain (i think taht was where it was) where he lived. She got there and he wanted his parents to see the baby etc anyway.... they dressed the baby in traditional spanish clothes (really warms clothes) and the baby was only a few months old and it was really warm. I rem,ember thinkiing how awful that must have been, I think you should be able to dress your kids in whatever you want them to wear. I couldnt careless about tradition, if its really warm outside and you want your baby to ware dresses then go for it! Just means you care about your child being hot or cold and a cool baby is a happy baby lol
skatty said:
This time next year I will have an 8 month year old girl and I envisioned her in gorgeous liitle dresses with a hat and matching knickers like you can buy in Mothercare, would this be wrong?

Awww that sounds lovely!
I have not put a blanket on Brody for weeks! On a really hot day I will just put him in a vest or romper. As long as you put sun cream on and have a parasol if it's sunny you'll be fine.
We have a Summer Photo Album Thread if you wanna see pics of what the babies are all wearing now. 8)
If it is really sunny I do cover Seren up but they are long sleeved tops that are cotton or a linen mix that keep her cool. If there is plenty of shade she is either in her vest and matching big pants, or a romper suit.
Ella's in dresses or rompers. Or sometimes just a vest/t-shirt (but I make sure she's well in the shade in the heat).
Dior wears her lil dress and summer hats and lil flip flops :)
i always keep a hat on her head though as she dont have much hair and i cant rub suncream into it Harley is always in the shade though i think he is to young to go in tnhe sun even with suncream :? but he is usually in a nappy when its hot
Thanks everyone, that's reassuring and I love the pics, the babies and kiddies are all so cute! Its made me so broody :lol:

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