Clothes/sleepwear in summer


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Now summers here I don't really know what to dress Angel in lol I know it seems silly but I'm so used to putting her in a vest, normally a long sleeved dress or something like that, coat, hat, blanket etc. Today it was beautiful, 20C here so I just put her in a pair of linen dungarees with a tshirt underneath, a little sunhat and her baby sunglasses, didn't bother putting a blanket on her and she seemed fine. What do you girls do with your LO? At night I always put her in a vest, gro or pjs and she has her sleeping bag but tonight the house felt quite warm so I just put her in a gro and one blanket and she seems fine. xx.
Sophie has just been in a vest, sleeveless top and jeggings with socks today and she was fine :) any more layers and she would definitely have got too hot in the car. Need to get her a hat though!

At night she's still in her sleep suit but will eventually just go in her baby grow once it gets really warm.
It's still pretty cold ESP in out room so the normal vest, sleep suit and grobag. In summer he'll probs wear a vest and grobag or just a best if it's very hot!

sleepsuit in cotton, blanket or grobag depending on how much i dont want him to wake up!

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