Cloth or disposable?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Just interested in the divide really :D

Do you use cloth or disposables?

Bit of both for me as we use nature babycare or bambo disposables at night but in the process of changing to cloth completely and I'm so excited :lol: I am simple ;)
I use disposables but have been looking at the recent threads on cloth bums and oh my arent they gorgeous :)
Would definately look into using cloth for my next baby.
cloth all the way - has been for both my monsters (apart from when we go on hols as even I am not that committed)
I put bit of both because I also use nature babies at night and have been very lazy recently with my clothies :oops:

Weenotions is going to change that :lol:
beanie said:
cloth all the way - has been for both my monsters (apart from when we go on hols as even I am not that committed)

same here :D
disposables until i bit the bullet a few days (a week??) ago
now fully cloth, except for next week as we're on hol :)
Bit of both for me, but TBH im not liking the prefolds at the mo!!
We were 100% cloth but have been mixed for the 9 months or so. Cloth isn't so much fun when big toddler bums limit your choice and you have grown up poo to deal with :lol:
maria1976 said:
Bit of both for me, but TBH im not liking the prefolds at the mo!!

Same, they are affordable but missing that bit of funkiness!
OK - am I'm still a newbie at this - what's a prefold???? sounds obvious but I'm not sure!
maria1976 said:
Bit of both for me, but TBH im not liking the prefolds at the mo!!

sell them on used nappies hun or buy some pocket nappies and use them as inserts.
I like my shaped ones :lol: I don't have to think about it and fold things :lol:
I use disposibles - for imogen if course!

I love the idea of cloth and even tried it with Imogen but she didnt like them :( she was just to use to her nappies and i think she found cloth too bulky for her.

With next one it will have to be disposibles again because my life is busy enough as it is without having to worry about washing nappies and will be more hectic with more children.

Do love cloth though big time :(
well i'm planning on doing it with 3 :moon:
Only joking hun, why not get a couple of nice ones for number 3 and just use them in summer when they're on show? :hug:
Disposable... but I don't have a choice.. There are no cloth options in Spain . And to have them shipped from the UK makes it financially impractical. :( I've also thought about making my own nappies, but again, getting the material is silly expensive here, the whole arts and craft thing is expensive... 5€ for 1 100g ball of wool... it works out cheaper to buy a cardigan off the market :( Its terrible.

I did use cloth with Tia though, they weren't so great back then... caused nappy rash, left the baby wet, but the local council had a deal going where we got cheap reusable sets and they would come away and clean them for us :)
Trying to go back to cloth as James ended up with such bad nappy rash we stopped using them a while ago. Think we're doing everything right (have even changed to eco balls rather than detergent), no wipes etc. My OH is adamant that he shouldn't have nappy rash with cloth, but he still does! I love my nappies but I love my little boy's bum more! fingers crossed there's no more nappy rash!
I started off on cloth, bought a birth to potty pack, but i got bamboo and they take agesssss to dry, so stopped them couldn't afford the electric bill! lol. I tried the nature care ones but they chaffed Coops skin so am now using Adlis nappies which i like, they have less chemicals in than the rest and also don't have that funny smell you get with disposibles plus they are cheap! 56 for a £5. :D
i'd much rather use cloth, but i just don't have the drying space for them in my flat, or the storage space for them either. i'll probably switch when we move house.

i use nature babycare nappies to salve my conscience a little ;) they're also the only nappies that don't give connor nappy rash too :D

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