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CLOMID - Anyone out there tried this ??????


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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I've just had my AF, and am about to start taking 50mg of Clomid.

Feeling :( it's come to this. But i guess if it works, well then what the heck.

Am feeling really hormonal today :cry: as i convinced myself that the cycle justgone was the ONE. Boy how many times have i done this....

SO ! Has anyone had any experience of this, successful or not.

Any advice would be very much appreciated...
hi hun
i used clomid 50mg past 2 months and beddid every other day on ovulation week and nothing, last month took clomid and just beddid the once on the day i ovulated and it worked, hope this helps
:wave: another clomid success story :D . I took 50mg for 4 months but I failed to ovulate on the 4th month, up until then we BD ever other day during the week before Ov, then on the 5th month I was on 100mg clomid and we BD every 36 hours (it was a very tight schedule :lol: ) and that month we caught.
Try not to stress about it (easier said than done) and you will get there, take care and good luck :hug:
My sister in law took them and had two successful pregnancies and my neice and nephew are beautiful :D
Thanks so much for replying girls. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but the success rates are good. :pray: :pray:

Well i took the first dose just before bed last night. I read somewhere by doing this you'll sleep through most if any of the symptoms. Apart from bad cramps in stomach and pins and needles, i slept ok and all seems fine today.

Could i ask one more question ?.

How and when did you know you was ovulating on clomid ?. Is this what the scans i've been booked in for do ?. And what if you haven't ovulated, what happened then ?.

Thanks again girls.....
hi hun
my doctor told me that i would ovulate on the 6th day after finshing the clomid and sure enough i did, so if i took clomid wed,thur,fri,sat,su, i would ovulate the next saterday, i also used clearblue opk, dont know if this helps hun as everyone is diffrent
good luck hun i hope this is your month
I was temperature charting to pinpoint when I was ovulating, but I found I didn't Ov on the same day each month. The first month was CD14 then CD17 then CD16, and I didn't Ov the 4th month. But the trouble with temping is you don't know until a couple of days after you've Ov'ed that you have Ov'ed. You could try OPKs, but personally I've never had a +OPK (maybe the surge was during the night), or just wait for the Ov pain and BD regularly. If you don't Ov on the 50mg then you're GP will just up your dosage until you do Ov.
You'll get there, don't worry :hug:
Yes you get scanned and when they see a large enough follicle they tell you to BD over the next few days. You might feel a pop when you ovulate (unless you're asleep as 'Fingers Crossed' says!) otherwise OPKs put your mind at rest.
If you get cheap ones from Amazon you can do one a day until you get a dark line and then back it up with a more expensive one like a Clearblue where you get a smilie face which confirms it.
Good luck! It works for loads of people!
Hi loobie

I have just finished my 1st round of clomid unfortunately got my AF yesterday :( I convinced myself that I would get my bfp on my 1st round so I felt like you, thought that would be it! But done that loads of times too!

My scan was on cd 11 and they check for follicles to c if the dose is working, they will tell u whether or not to bd and may put up dose if no follicles.

I had hot flushes and emotional, it also made me feel really tired a few days after stopping tablets.

We bd every day for 5 days from cd 11, I got my lh surge on cd 16, they told us to bd for 4-5 days but now I wonder if we should have bd more after lh surge on cbfm but who knows!!

My progesterone went from 26 to 80 so that was great, therefore it really does work so think of it as a little boost to help you along the way, lots of ladies have had successs with it so hopefully we will too :)

Good luck Hun xx
I got my bfp on the second cycle of clomid. I had scans for the first cycle and grew one follie which popped day 19. They could tell on the scans how big it was getting so could estimate roughly when I would ov and I used digi opks with fmu until I got my smiley face.

On my second cycle I wasn't scanned but used the opks again. I got my smiley on day 16, we dtd on day 15, 16 and 17. I'm now expecting twins so must have had 2 follicles the second time.

Lots of luck xx
I'm having the scans this month without clomid and may be put onto clomid next cycle as they don't think I'm ov at mo so I thought I'd jump on this thread as the info is helpful. Hope you get your BFP on your first round loobie9 xx
hi hun theres so may happy stries with clomid x I didn't concive first round of 6 mnths just watring to have period to start second cycle of 6 mnths x but I had a choice these or ivf and to be fair there so many happy stories with both I chose clomid again xxx so good luck hun hope it works
I conceived with clomid. I was trying for 2 years and got pregnant on my 6th cycle of clomid. I am now TTC#2 and have just taken my 5th cycle. I'm due to see the consultant in 2 weeks, I think he's going to up the dose to 100mg.

I must warn you though, I get very sore boobs throughout my cycle and sometimes have really bad nausea. Never had either before taking clomid x
I used these. I tried for3 years to get pregnant, then fell the second month of taking these :) good luck to you xx

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