clomid and HSG


Feb 22, 2011
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Am on my 2nd course of clomid, was on 50mg but my progesterone levels were 1.9 :( so have been told to double to 100mg

So on my second day of course 2 today and have an hsg booked in for next week, has anybody had any good results from doing the two closely?

or anybody with such a low progesterone been raised only on 2nd course?

Sorry, not used clomid, but i was wondering if they couldn't raise your progesterone without clomid?

Can't they give you progesterone?
im not sure..weve been ttc for 20 months now, was diagnosed with pcos about 2 years ago, so this is what they think is msking my progesterone low, tbh i didnt really get much info from fertility clinic, it was just take the clomid, so here i am!
what sort of things can you take to raise progesterone?
I know that you can have progesterone pessaries (tablet inserted into bum or vagina) because i'll need to have them for IVF.

There are also progesterone creams and injections and things.

I wouldn't advise you to self administer just because too much progesterone is just as bad as not enough, but i was under the impression that it could be artifically raised which is why i asked.

I suppose clomid is attempt to make your body produce the progesterone itself which i suppose is preferred but i think you might want to mention it to them :)
i think so i was having to have bloods done once a week for months (subsequently i had an arm like a boxer lol) and my pg was low all the time, so i think that with the knowledge of pcos clomid was the thinkg that was most likely to help....
Hey Pinki

I am currently on my 3rd clomid cycle. I have taken 50mg from day 2-6. This month i have experienced terrible nausea and tiredness, all normal apparently.

My IUI procedure is on Friday. After the procedure i will need to take Progesterone presseries every morning and evening through the two week wait. If it's a failure then i will stop them if it's successful i will need to carry on taking them till 12 weeks of pregnancy.

They are yuky things but as long as you wear a pad and have regular bathing it's not so bad.

The progesterone gave me sore bb's but that's all.

Hopefully this time will be my 3rd time lucky!

Baby Dust

Kerrie x

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