Clexane or other heparin injections anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2012
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Hi all hope youre all well... going to catch up on posts now!

And so the fun begins, finally got around to seeing my GP today and the circus has started. My GP sent me away until she had discussed me with my consultant and then called me to say I needed to start clexane injections today, needed an early scan ASAP and have an appointment with my consultant on Tuesday. Is anyone else on clexane injections? I had them during my last pregnancy and was hoping I could share bruising pictures with someone here lmao :)


When I was 6 months pregnant I went abroad and hospital thought I had a clot on my return so had to have these....ouch!!!! Also had to self inject for a week after my c section, although it was a different drug, still stung but not as much, perhaps you could ask for an alternative? Just a thought.
Clexane is probably the most safe and well know drug for its use. I have seen some battered tummies from it though! You will have to share bruised tummy pics!! x
Thanks Babyem :) I'm a nurse so I've seen a few bruised tummies too, just dislike it when it's MY bruised tummy lol, I'll share pics... Later on though ad at the moment I look porky not pregnant lol :)
I used clexane when pg with my ds. I had them to prevent blood clots as I broke my ankle and was in a cast from 38 wks pg. have you been taught to self inject?when I was of I wasn't happy with injecting my belly so they let me inject in my thighs alternate days but the bruises are a pain.
Thanks Babyem :) I'm a nurse so I've seen a few bruised tummies too, just dislike it when it's MY bruised tummy lol, I'll share pics... Later on though ad at the moment I look porky not pregnant lol :)

Ooh, Im a student nurse :)
Never nice when you have to be the patient! I look forward to seeing them! x
I'm on clexane for thr next 6 weeks post csection twice daily!!! :( not great for some one needle phobic - hubby injects me, but i do it in my arms thats were they did in the hospital and no one showed us or told us how to do it just gave us a box and said ok twice daily for 6 weeks- thankfully my mum is a nurse and showed hubby what to do..... We tried once in my thigh but it was excrucating :( and the bruise is huge and black- i dont seem to bruise on my arms.

Whats it like injecting into tummy - that sounds worse.

Anyway i sympathise with you xxxxx
Tummy is sooo much better than thighs or arms you can pinch a bit of fat :) ridiculous of them not to show you though!!! Just remember to flick them so the air bubble sits near the plunger (so the air pushes all of the clexane out) and go in at a slight angle (to be honest the angle is unimportant I just find it easier) and do not use any alcho wipes or anything on your skin, oh and NEVER EVER rub lmao. 9 days in I think for me and so far so good, not nearly as traumatic as I remember lol post section you should be able to take warfarin? Means more blood tests to check your INR but no injections lol there may well be a reason why you can't but it may be worth asking? No bruise pics for me yet though lol :)

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