clearblue ovulation tests


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Hey girlies..x..

Just a quick one..

I've just been to the shops and while i was there i saw in the bargain box a pack of Clearblue ov tests so i thought sod it i'll buy them as they were reduced down to £10 from nearly £20, wow why so expensive?? I've never used these before but thought i'll give em a go this month.. Well anyway when i got back to work i thought i'll try one of the 7 tests and see what its says.. Its come out that i've detected my LH surge which i didn't expect till Thursday or Friday.. Thing is because i only tested once i dont know when this started or how long it will last, i done the business with my husband this morning and Sunday morning so when do people think I should do it again? Should i carry on doing it every other day till my av is due?? i just don’t have a clue do i?? haha...
Does anyone else use these things?

Not such a quick one after all... lol
I’ve been so busy this month that we have literally only just started to do the dead, since Sunday, will that affect our chances of becoming pregnant?
I used the Clearblue Ovulation kits....the first time I bought a packed I used 2 before it turned positive and continued using one per day untill it had gone to negative again - purely for experimental reasons, see how long the LH surge lasted. Next month I used 2 to detect the surge and saved the rest for month three etc. They are good, highly recommend although there are other signs/symptons of ovulation such a change in CM and your temperature etc.

Once you have detected the surge there really is no need to keep re-testing. I did month one just to see how long it lasted but that was it then I'd detect it and keep the sticks for the following month. As soon as it goes positive the first 24 hours are the best to BD, after 48 hours the surge has practically gone, your not wasting your time by BD'ing after that but when your talking 3-4 days afterwards yeah it's getting kinda pointless as you'd have missed the window of opportunity if you hadn't already caught it.

Hope that helps.
yes it does thank you... I think i would have done a you and carried on testing till i got a negative tell you what if i fall this month you can have my other 6 sticks...hehe

I've been using these for the first time too and have a 28 day cycle. I'm wondering what happens if you go through all your sticks from day 10 and haven't detected a surge? That's what happened to me last month! And I know I ovulated on time because I got a period? I also know that last pregnancy I ovulated around day 10 or 11 because that was when i had CM and that was when we bd'd.


Hey there... Tiny far as I'm aware... just because you have a normal period doesn't mean you ovulated normally...or at all. Maybe keep using the OPKs but this month maybe try to use them twice a day when you think you should be ovulating. Also look out for changes in CM and CP.

Good luck!
Maybe keep using the OPKs but this month maybe try to use them twice a day when you think you should be ovulating. Also look out for changes in CM and CP.

Hmmm. The problem is, Jamie, that OPKs are quite expensive. A 7 days supply is about twice the price of a normal pregancy test.

I know nothing about CP, but I monitor CM all the time. It's how we conceived last time. My problem is that I didn't get a surge indicated last month when I tested from days 10 to 17. I had CM from about day 18 to day 21 and we bd'd accordingly. Nothing happened, because I had AF. And a dirty, rotten, horrible AF that was incredibly painful.

This month I've also tested from day 10 to today. I have one test left. I think I will buy another supply this once but if it doesn't show a surge this time I'll assume that they are not for me and go ahead with some other method, or perhaps see my doctor.


tiny sue when u have painful periods u should see your doctor. i had painful ones when i was 14 i was taken to emergency room and doctors suggested to go on the pill to ease them.

i too keep a track of cm rather than ovualtion kits, as i normally get it around the 14 days, but i will invest in ov kit this month to see if its right of im ovulating at all.
:D Thanks Jemz, I appreciate the advice. I suffered from painful periods from onset at age 15 to age 31 when I had my baby girl. Since then I've had practically trouble free periods, with only the odd painful one. I consulted my doctor at the time of my state exams (I always seemed to have my AF when I was doing exams and on my wedding day too!) She suggested the pill. I won't use the pill due to some personal convictions of mine.

Anyway - the last AF was as bad as the teenage ones have been. But I put that down to a period of stress in the last month - we took in tenants and my father got married recently. You know the kind of thing, family stressors :D

So if I don't fall pregnant this month and the next AF is as painful I'll go to the doc for sure. Perhaps I have a wee cyst or something.

Thanks again

Tiny Sue said:
Maybe keep using the OPKs but this month maybe try to use them twice a day when you think you should be ovulating. Also look out for changes in CM and CP.

Hmmm. The problem is, Jamie, that OPKs are quite expensive. A 7 days supply is about twice the price of a normal pregancy test.

ebay cheapies - opks are great and can get loads for under a tenner - I couldn't afford to buy from high street stores as i go through loads of them
Tiny Sue said:
:D Thanks Jemz, I appreciate the advice. I suffered from painful periods from onset at age 15 to age 31 when I had my baby girl. Since then I've had practically trouble free periods, with only the odd painful one. I consulted my doctor at the time of my state exams (I always seemed to have my AF when I was doing exams and on my wedding day too!) She suggested the pill. I won't use the pill due to some personal convictions of mine.

Anyway - the last AF was as bad as the teenage ones have been. But I put that down to a period of stress in the last month - we took in tenants and my father got married recently. You know the kind of thing, family stressors :D

So if I don't fall pregnant this month and the next AF is as painful I'll go to the doc for sure. Perhaps I have a wee cyst or something.

Thanks again


i had trouble with the pill so i came off it. i dont think theres any reason why we have painful ones than others guess we just drew the short straw.

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