Clearblue digi OPK


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
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Hi all,

I got a smiley face (meaning peak fertility) on my clearblue digital test. I took a couple cheapie opks and the control line is not quite as dark as the test. Is that normal? The instructions say that once you get a smiley face, you're "fertile for 48h" or something like that. So I guess it's anticipating my O to happen tomorrow or the next day?

I thought buying digital would help take the confusion away from OPKs but here I am again! Always confused :roll:
I started a thread about this this morning. I don't know. You don't need to dtd every day anyway so if you dtd every other day you are covered. In theory you will ovulate in the next 3 days but I had the same problem with the cheapies showing positive the day after the first peak day on the CB tests. It's confusing. You need to dtd before ovulation anyway so it can't hurt to dtd.
Oh shoot! Sorry I missed that thread! We're definitely trying to dtd as much as possible now. Just want to know when I can stop thinking about when O is coming. Thanks for the response!
I'd keep doing the cheapies, then after a strong postive give it a few days. You can ovulate up to 48hrs after a positive and the egg can stay viable for 24 hours.
Good call. I'm temping too. Maybe I have too much info! I wish I could be one of these women that just relaxes and lets it happen!
It is easy to drive yourself totally nuts! I got a peak reading yesterday morning and then ended up getting ovulation pains in the evening. If you get pains it makes it a bit easier to know when it's happening. A lot of women ovulate about 12-24 hrs after a peak reading, that's more common. I'm gonna keep going until my temp goes up. I love temping - it's so satisfying seeing that you are actually ovulating.
This is my first month temping, so I hope tomorrow it goes up! I had two beers last night, so I don’t know if that effects it at all...but it was still quite low this morning. I’m also doing cheap strips and I got a solid positive yesterday afternoon that has since faded a bit. So maybe I’m ovulating right now as I type this!!
I think my temp takes 2-3 days to go up after ovulation.
Same here soooo confused with OPKs. I have been using them for the last 4months and nothing :(
For me sometimes it says dark for 3 days. I can’t BD that long to be honest it’s just so exhausting
Same here soooo confused with OPKs. I have been using them for the last 4months and nothing :(
For me sometimes it says dark for 3 days. I can’t BD that long to be honest it’s just so exhausting

I don't get that but it does happen for some women...if you dtd every other day it's fine.
Ok good to know about the temps. Mine has been around 36.1 and was 36.3 yesterday and today but I was expecting more of a spike. I think I O’d yesterday so maybe it will go up tomorrow?
Just keep tracking it. Sometimes it goes up slowly. Mine has literally taken 3 days to go up after ovulation this month. It happens for some women.
I personally find the cheapie OPKs so much better than the digital ones.. I think the digi ones show a smiley face even if the line isn’t dark enough. Think you’re def doing the right thing double checking with the cheapies :) Good Luck !:dust:

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