Hi all,
I got a smiley face (meaning peak fertility) on my clearblue digital test. I took a couple cheapie opks and the control line is not quite as dark as the test. Is that normal? The instructions say that once you get a smiley face, you're "fertile for 48h" or something like that. So I guess it's anticipating my O to happen tomorrow or the next day?
I thought buying digital would help take the confusion away from OPKs but here I am again! Always confused
I got a smiley face (meaning peak fertility) on my clearblue digital test. I took a couple cheapie opks and the control line is not quite as dark as the test. Is that normal? The instructions say that once you get a smiley face, you're "fertile for 48h" or something like that. So I guess it's anticipating my O to happen tomorrow or the next day?
I thought buying digital would help take the confusion away from OPKs but here I am again! Always confused